OF THE HONORABLE SENATE, JUNE SESSION......1832. WEDNESDAY, JUNE 6, 1832. This being the day prescribed by the Constitution for the General Court of New-Hampshire to assemble, His Excellency the Governor and the Honorable Council came into the Senate Chamber, and the following named gentlemen, elected as Senators, took and subscribed the oath of office, agreeably to the provisions of the constitution, viz. From District No. 1, Hon. Daniel P. Drown, No. 4, Hon. Aaron Whittemore, No. 12, Hon. Jared W. Williams. His Excellency the Governor and the Honorable Council then with drew. The Senate was called to order by the Clerk. On motion by Mr. Whittemore The Senate proceeded to the choice of a Chairman, and Mr. Burns was elected, and took the chair accordingly. On motion by Mr. Jackson The Senate proceeded to the choice of a President, and the Hon. Benning M. Bean was elected. t Mr. Bean addressed the Senate, manifesting his acceptance of the office, and took the chair. On motion by Mr. Burns The Senate proceeded to the choice of a Clerk, and Charles G. Atherton was elected. On motion by Mr. Handerson The Senate proceeded to the choice of an Assistant Clerk, and John Whipple was elected. Charles G. Atherton and John Whipple appeared and were sworn to the faithful discharge of the duties of their several offices. On motion by Mr. Whittemore The Senate proceeded to the choice of a Door-keeper, and Jacob Tyler was elected. On motion by Mr. Whittemore Ordered, That the Assistant Clerk notify Jacob Tyler of his election to the office of Door-keeper. On motion by Mr. Carr Ordered, That the Clerk notify the House of Representatives that the Senate have assembled, have chosen their constitutional officers, and are ready to proceed to the business of the session. On motion by Mr. Handerson Resolved, That the times to which the Senate shall adjourn, shall be ten o'clock in the forenoon and three o'clock in the afternoon, until otherwise ordered. On motion by Mr. Williams Resolved, That the rules and regulations of the Senate for the last year be adopted as the rules and regulations of the Senate for the present year, or until otherwise ordered. A message from the House of Representatives by their Clerk. "Mr. President-I am directed to inform the Honorable Senate that the House of Representatives have assembled, and chosen the Hon. Franklin Pierce Speaker, James Clark Clerk, and Horace Chase Assistant Clerk, and are ready to proceed to the business of the session." And he withdrew. On motion by Mr. Jackson The Senate adjourned. AFTERNΟΟΝ. Met according to adjournment. A message from the House of Representatives by their Clerk. "Mr. President-The House of Representatives have passed a resolution that the joint rules of the two branches of the legislature for the last year be adopted for the present session, or until others be adopted. Also a resolution appointing Messrs. Biscoe, Sanborn and Graves of Brentwood with such as the Senate may join, a committee to wait on His Excellency the Governor and inform him that querums of both branches of the legislature have assembled, are organized, and are ready to receive any communications he may be pleased to make, in which resolutions they request the concurrence of the Senate." And he withdrew. The two resolutions last received from the House of Representatives were severally read. On motion by Mr. Burns Resolved, That the Senate do concur in the first of said resolutions. Ordered, That the Clerk notify the House of Representatives ac cordingly. On motion by Mr. Whittemore Resolved that the Senate do concur in the appointment of a committee agreeably to the second of said resolutions. Ordered, That Mr. Burns be joined to said committee on the part of the Senate. Ordered, That the Clerk notify the House of Representatives accordingly. A message from the House of Representatives by their Clerk. "Mr. President-The House of Representatives are now ready to meet the Senate in convention, to proceed in the elections agreeably to the provisions of the constitution." And he withdrew. On motion by Mr. Whittemore Resolved, That the Senate will now meet the House of Representatives in convention. IN CONVENTION. The Senate and House of Representatives being met in convention in the Representatives' Hall, the Secretary came in and laid before the convention the returns of votes for Governor from the several towns and places in this State ; and also the returns of the votes for Counsellors from the several counsellor districts in this State. On motion by Mr. Burns of the Senate The convention proceeded to open, read, and count the votes for Governor from the several towns and places in this State, and completed the same. On motion by Mr. Jackson of the Senate Resolved, That a committee be appointed to examine the returns of votes for Governor, compare them with the record, cast their num-bers, and report thereon to the convention. Ordered, That Messrs. Jackson of the Senate, and Nesmith and Woodman of the House of Representatives be the committee. On motion by Mr. Whittemore of the SenateThe convention rose and the Senate returned to their chamber. On motion by Mr. Drown IN SENATE. The Senate adjourned. THURSDAY, JUNE 7, 1832. Met according to adjournment. The following standing committees were appointed agreeably to the rules and regulations of the Senate, viz. On the Judiciary. - Messrs. Handerson, Burns and Williams. On Incorporations. -Messrs. Farrington, Whittemore and Carr. On Claims. Messrs. Knowlton, Woodbury and Carr. On Manufacturing Establishments. -Messrs. Burns, Handerson and Farrington. On Banking Institutions. - Messrs. Williams, Bartlett and Jackson. On Elections.-Messrs. Drown, Knowlton and Woodbury. On Schools and Seminaries of Learning.-Messrs. Jackson, Farrington and Handerson. On Unfinished Business. -Messrs. Carr, Knowlton and Burns. On Printers' Accounts. -Messrs. Whittemore, Woodbury and Drown. The President also announced the appointment of the following joint committees, viz. On Engrossed Bills. - Messrs. Williams and Drown. On the State House and State House Yard.-Mr. Woodbury. A message from the House of Representatives by their Clerk. "Mr. President-The House of Representatives have passed a resolution appointing Messrs. Wilcox, Bartlett of Newtown and Burnham with such as the Senate may join, a committee to prepare and report joint rules for the government of the two Houses the present year. Also a resolution appointing Messrs. Page of Gilmanton, Hale and Putnam of Cornish with such as the Senate may join, a committee to nominate a suitable person to officiate as Chaplain to the legislature during the present session. In which they request the concurrence of the Senate." And he withdrew. The two resolutions last received from the House of Representatives were severally read. On motion by Mr. Farrington Resolved, That the Senate do concur in the appointment of a committee agreeably to the first of said resolutions. Ordered, That Mr. Farrington be joined to said committee on the part of the Senate. Ordered, That the Clerk notify the House of Representatives accordingly. On motion by Mr. Farrington Resolved, That the Senate do concur in the appointment of a committee agreeably to the second of said resolutions. Ordered, That Mr. Whittemore be joined to said committee on the part of the Senate. |