THE WORLD'S MOST FAMOUS COURT TRIAL TENNESSEE EVOLUTION CASE Scopis, John Thomps A COMPLETE STENOGRAPHIC REPORT OF THE FAMOUS NATIONAL BOOK COMPANY CINCINNATI PUBLISHER'S NOTE In presenting the material of this book we are moved by the great interest shown throughout the world in this most notable case. It is unlike any other case ever tried, and we believe has an interest that will hold long after the individuals involved shall have passed away. While some of the headings and sub-heads are ours, we have made no attempt at editing. We simply present the case from the court record as it was made from day to day. In publishing this book we are indebted to many interested friends and especially to the Chattanooga Times for the use of their transcript copy. We trust this work may find a hearty welcome from those who desire to know just what occurred at Dayton. NATIONAL BOOK COMPANY. |