Page Page 145 Interpretation of treaties. 189 ib. Consequences of their violation 190 Effect of partial violations гъ. ib. ib. How such effect prevented ib. ib. ib. States restricted in regard to them . 271 See POWERS OF GOVERNMENT, PRESIDENT OF U. S., SENATE, 262 &c. Tenure of judges Courts there, how organized al courts Special jurisdiction of certain TERRITORIAL REGULATIONS. Power of disposing of and reg- property of the Union Condition annexed to it Construction of power See POWERS OF GOVERNMENT. TITLES OF NOBILITY. Power of granting, prohibited TREASON. Power to declare its punish- ment Treason against U. S. defined. 260 Evidence requisite to convict Judicial constructions Treason against a state Effect of a confession Punishment of treason against U. S. TREATIES. Nature of power to make preme law How and where the power is vested How treaties are to be con- strued How defined by law of nations How regarded by courts of U.S. Power of Congress over them. Obligation of treaties ib. WRITS OF ERROR. Extent of the power ib. See SUPREME COURT. THE END. importance that early impressions should be just. Permit me to thank you for this flattering mark of your attention, and to make my acknowledgments for the kind and partial manner in which you speak of the Chief-justice of the United States in your pref ace. With very great respect and esteem, "I am, sir, your ob't, "J. MARSHALL." From Edward Livingston, late U. S. Minister to France. "Paris, Nov. 22d, 1833. "MY DEAR SIR-I am very much obliged to you for your very valuable little book. It is a work of great use, and must attract great attention in Europe, where all our institutions are scanned, and their operation watched, from different motives, by friends and foes. You are now instructing a royal pupil. Last night, at the Tuileries, the Duc d'Orleans asked me many questions respecting our Constitution and Laws, and seemed so desirous of obtaining correct information, that I told him I had just received from a learned friend a small volume, in which all he required to know could be found, and having obtained permission, I sent him your work. "I am, dear sir, with high regard, your friend and servant, "EDW. LIVINGSTON." From Mons. de Tocqueville. "SIR-I have received the work which you had the goodness to send us, and will not await the return of M. de Beaumont to express in his name, as well as my own, our gratitude for it. The work you address to us, sir, appears to me to be eminently calculated for the purpose to which you destine it. It demonstrates, with as much clearness as precision, the Federal Constitution; and although short, is not superficial. I have no doubt but that it would excite a very great curiosity in France, if the knowledge of the English language was more general among us. For my part, sir, I have personal reasons for offering you my thanks. I am occupied at present with a work upon the American Institutions, and consider your book one of my best documents. "I am, very respectfully, sir, your obedient servant, "ALEXIS DE TOCQUEVILLE." Paris, November 24th, 1833." PUBLISHED BY HARPER & BROTHERS, 'NEW YORK. History of Charles the First Of England. Ву Јасов Аввотт. With an Illuminated Title-page and numerous Illustrations. 12mo, Muslin. 60 cents. History of Mary Queen of Scots. BY JACOB ABBотт. With an Illuminated Title-page and numerous Illustrations. 12mo, Muslin. 60 cents. A beautifully-executed volume for young readers, presenting in that easy, admirable style of which Mr. Abbott is such a consummate master, the strange incidents of the life of this most interesting personage. 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The Image of his Father. A Tale of a Young Monkey. By the Brothers MAYHEW. With Illustrations. 12mo, Muslin, 75 cents; Paper, 50 cents. Sportively sarcastic and humorous, it touches off very graphically many follies of the day. - Baltimore American. A very witty production of those distinguished comic writers, the Brothers Mayhew, two of the most celebrated disciples of the "Punch School." -Spirit of the Times. Wuthering Heights. By A. BELL. 12mo, Muslin, 75 cents; Paper, 50 cents. We strongly recommend all our readers who love novelty to get this story, for we can promise them that they never read any thing like it before. DOUGLAS JERROLD. a Old Hicks the Guide; Or, Adventures in the Camanche Country in Search of a Gold Mine. By C. W. WEBBER. 12mo, Muslin, $1 00; Paper, 75 cents. It has incidents enough for a score of novels.-Mirror. Here is a book to stir a fever in the blood of age. Full of wild adventures, and running over with life. -Graham's Magazine. 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The author's facility of description has here brought out a romance which will freshen the recollections of his former fame in the mind of the public. Springfield Gazette. The Story of the Peninsular War. By General CHARLES W. VANE, Marquess of Londonder-ry. New Edition, revised, with considerable Additions. 12mo, Muslin, $100; Paper, 75 cents. It is the object of this publication to present what has long been a desideratum-a Complete History of the Peninsular War down to the peace of 1814, in the smallest possible compass, and at so moderate a cost as to be accessible to all classes of readers; it will be regarded as an indispensable companion to The Story of the Battle of Waterloo.-Athenæum. 1 |