To what persons confined ib. 104 Nature of power relative to it ib. 237 State laws cannot discharge from contracts, except in cer- tain cases 238 Power of, where vested Vacancies, how supplied . 105 What vacancies intended ib. ARBITER. Seo JUDICIAL POWER, SUPREME COURT, &c. See JUDICIAL POWER, SUPREME COURT, &c. APPOINTMENTS. who are not citizens 233 COMMON ARBITER. See JUDICIAL POWER, SUPREME COMMON LAW. How far established in the col- 50 51 Persons born abroad, who are See ALIENS, ALLEGIANCE, NAT- ib. Benefit of, claimed by Congress ib. See COMMERCE. URALIZATION, &c. COASTING LICENSE. COIN AND COINING. See MONEY, POWERS OF Gov- Regulated relative rights of col- onists ib. Punished offences against pub- lic justice ib. How far adopted by states 52 Basis of their laws ib. State Constitutions made in ref- erence to its validity . Are Contracts within the mean- Creation of, incident to sover- Nature and extent of power COUNTERFEITING. Power of punishing. COURTS. 43 ib. ib. ib. ib. ib. 44 ib. 47 ib. 48 ib. 54 See IMPEACHMENTS, JUDICIAL POWER, 262 ib. 315 ib. 227 ib. ib. CONSTITUTION OF UNITED STATES. On what foundation erected On what principles formed From what materials In what manner adopted For what objects designed Effect of its adoption on the states ib. Effect of its adoption on the former Confederation ib. Principle of representation, how applied in it ib. Powers of Government, how delegated by it 55 See INDEPENDENCE. DEBTS. See TENDER LAWS. DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE. How far admitted by State Con- How far settled in Courts of See NATURALIZATION, &c. EX POST FACTO LAWS. Prohibited to states Definition and meaning FELONIES (ON THE SEA). 277 . ib. 191 Power to define and punish 197 ib. ib. FLEETS. See ARMY AND NAVY. FORTS. See LOCAL JURISDICTION. GOVERNMENT. Different forms of Powers of, how divided ib. 194 42 44 How far distinct 45 90 Separate departments ib. ib. Provincial governments 47 ib. How organized ib. . 174 Upon what construction To what extent, and upon what DUTIES. See IMPOSTS AND DUTIES, TAX- ELECTORS (OF PRESIDENT AND VICE-PRESIDENT). How chosen Number in each state Requisite qualifications At what time to be chosen Time for their assembling Mode of their proceeding to election. Duties subsequent to election See PRESIDENT OF U. S. General functions EXECUTIVE POWER. 44 Their necessity and extent ib. Number of representatives INDIAN TRIBES. Intercourse with, regulated 66 What relations acknowledged 216 ib. Relations with European dis- coverers, how determined ib. ib. ib. 67 68 ib. Practical results 69 71 72 93 ib. 71 76 ib. How considered in treaties and laws 217 ib. 219 ib. 220 ib. ib. Their territory, how regarded INTERNAL IMPROVEMENTS. Right of appropriating money 222 224 ib. General functions and objects. 44 Nature of the power Effect of its omission 110 . 111 Ratio of representation Exclusive powers of House of 'Representatives Money bills When to choose President of U. S. Mode of conducting election See CONGRESS, LEGISLATIVE POWER, &c. IMPEACHMENTS. Nature of power, and where Impeachments, whence derived ib. Court of Impeachments Senate, why selected as court. Objects of the jurisdiction Causes of impeachment Persons liable thereto relation to them Quorum of the court President of the court When chief-justice presides Power of presiding officer Construction of Constitution in See JUDICIAL POWER, SENATE, &c. IMPLIED POWERS. See AUXILIARY POWERS, Pow- IMPOSTS AND DUTIES. 300 How vested ١٠ 112 |