Offences against, what How punishable Policy of the law See JUDICIAL POWER. LAWS IMPAIRING CONTRACTS. Prohibited to the states 195 MILITIA. Power of regulating and calling 158 278 By whom "called forth" ib. Policy of the restriction ib. Who to judge of exigencies ib State Courts and magistrates See COURTS, POWERS OF GOV- ERNMENT, &c. JURISDICTION. See COURTS, LOCAL JURISDIC- TION, JUDICIAL POWER, &c. LAW. See COMMON LAW, SUPREME LAW OF NATIONS. LOCAL JURISDICTION. Power of exclusive legislation 256 To what places it extends See DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA, &c. MANUFACTURES. See DOMESTIC INDUSTRY. MARQUE AND REPRISAL. By what authority granted 152 ib. ib. ib. Nature and necessity of power ib. 271 .272 257 ib. 258 son 259 as to removal from office ib. 262 journing Congress as to convening and ad- Duty with respect to ambassa- ib. 263 dors, &c. ib. General duties ib. 264 Powers and duties 106 Negative upon laws, &c. ib. 267 270 271 Evidence of his refusal to ac- plied Liability to impeachment See EXECUTIVE POWER. RATIFICATION OF CONSTITUTION. Provision for ratifying Consti- Its nature and effects Mode of ratification adopted Assent of states, how implied Consequences of such ratifica- 108 ib. . 109 tion 327 329 ib. 330 ib. ib. ib. See SECESSION. admission of new states territory and prop- erty guarantees to the states amendment of Con- stitution Implied and reserved powers Restrictions on the states absolute against treaties, &c. letters of marque and reprisal coining money bills of credit tender laws bills of attainder Ex post facto laws laws impairing con- tracts Qualified restrictions upon duties on im- ports, &c. relative to troops and ships of war compact and agree- ments engaging in war Auxiliary powers laws "necessary and proper" for executing pow- ers. ib. Practical exception 46 Objects of the power ib. Restrictions on their powers 271 300 317 By what construction effected 245 Assent of State Governments to Constitution of U. S. 323 Nature and extent of power 249 vested in Congress Distinction between property of authors and that of inventors 253 Privileges secured to both ib. POWERS OF GOVERNMENT, Court created by Constitution. 127 Judicial construction of power 171 264 States bound by interpretation of Constitution by Supreme Court of the U.S.. 325 TAXATION AND TAXES. Power of levying taxes 166 Its objects and purposes 167 ib. terins ib. How qualified in its exercise 168 ib. In what sense term "Taxes" 169 Different kinds of taxes ib. Importance of distinguishing thein ib. Restrictions on states respect- ib. ing it 300 Number to forın quorum ib. Judicial construction thereof 301 Terms of the court 128 See LEGISLATIVE POWER. POW- Whore a state is a party |