Dictionary of the United States Congress |
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admitted adopted the profession Affairs April Assembly Attorney August Chargé d'Affaires chosen Clerk commenced Commissioner Committee Connecticut Constitution Continental Congress Convention County December Delaware Delegate died elected a Representative elected a Senator February George Georgia graduated at Princeton graduated at Yale gress Hampshire Henry Illinois Indiana James James.-He January Jersey John John.-He was born Joseph Judge July June Kentucky lawyer by profession Legislature Maine March Maryland Massachusetts Militia Missouri mittee native North Carolina November October Ohio Pennsylvania Plen practice Presidential Elector Princeton College profession of law re-elected received removed Repre Representa Representative in Congress resentative resigned Rhode Island Samuel seat Secretary of Legation sentative in Congress September settled South Speaker studied law subsequently Supreme Court Tennessee term Territory Thirty-eighth Congress Thirty-seventh Congress Thirty-sixth Congress Thomas Thomas.-He tion tive in Congress United States Senate Vermont Virginia votes W.-He was born Washington William Yale College York
Popular passages
Page 523 - The Congress of the united states shall have power to adjourn to any time within the year, and to any place within the united states, so that no period of adjournment be for a longer duration than the space of six months, and shall publish the Journal of their proceedings monthly, except such...
Page 523 - All bills of credit emitted, moneys borrowed, and debts contracted, by or under the authority of congress, before the assembling of the United States, in pursuance of the present confederation, shall be deemed. and considered as a charge against the United States, for payment and satisfaction whereof, the said United States, and the public faith, are hereby solemnly pledged.
Page 513 - He has refused, for a long time after such dissolutions, to cause others to be elected; whereby the legislative powers, incapable of annihilation, have returned to the people at large for their exercise; the State remaining, in the meantime, exposed to all the danger of invasion from without, and convulsions within.
Page 521 - When land forces are raised by any state for the common defence, all officers of or under the rank of colonel shall be appointed by the legislature of each state respectively, by whom such forces shall be raised, or in such manner as such state shall direct ; and all vacancies shall be filled up by the state which first made the appointment. ARTICLE VIII. All charges of war, and all other expenses that shall be incurred for the common defence or general welfare, and allowed by the United States in...
Page 513 - He has kept among us, in times of peace, standing armies without the consent of our Legislature. He has affected to render the military independent of and superior to the civil power.
Page 523 - ... shall publish the Journal of their proceedings monthly, except such parts thereof relating to treaties, alliances or military operations, as in their judgment require secrecy ; and the yeas and nays of the delegates of each state on any question shall be entered on the Journal, when it is desired by any delegate; and the delegates of a state, or any of them, at his or their request...
Page 521 - No state shall lay any imposts or duties, which may interfere with any stipulations in treaties, entered into by the United States in congress assembled, with any king, prince or state, in pursuance of any treaties already proposed by congress, to the courts of France and Spain.
Page 524 - ... and we do further solemnly plight and engage the faith of our respective constituents, that they shall abide by the determinations of the United States in congress assembled, on all questions, which by the said confederation are submitted to them; and that the articles thereof shall be inviolably observed by the states we respectively represent, and that the union shall be perpetual.
Page 524 - Ye that we the undersigned delegates, by virtue of the power and authority to us given for that purpose, do by these presents, in the name and in behalf of our respective constituents, fully and entirely ratify and...
Page 523 - ... to agree upon the number of land forces, and to make requisitions from each state for its quota, in proportion to the number of white inhabitants in such state...