SELECTED AND ARRANGED FROM ORIGINAL DOCUMENTS IN THE OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY OF THE COMMONWEALTH, CONFORMABLY TO ACTS OF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY, FEBRUARY 15, 1851, & MARCH 1, 1852. BY SAMUEL HAZARD. COMMENCING 1781. VOLUME IX. PHILADELPHIA: PRINTED BY JOSEPH SEVERNS & CO. REV. WM. ROGERS TO PRES. REED, 1781. May it please the Council, Phil, March 12, 1781 Observing in last Weeks Papers Directions given & Gentlemen appointed for settling the Depreciation of the Pay of the Officers & Soldiers of the Penns" line, Concluding with a Request that all Persons claiming Benefitt under the Act passed for said Purpose to attend, &c., as otherwise they will be in Danger of Exclusion. As no mention whatever is made of the Chaplains who claim a Benefitt & they being not Consider'd as Regimental but Brigade Officers, the Subscriber in Behalf of himself and Doct' Jones wishes to know where & when we are to apply for an Adjustment of our Accounts and he makes no Doubt but that His Excellency the President of the State & the honble the Council will give him all necessary Information. And with all due Respect he Remains the Council's most Obed & very humble Servt. W. ROGERS, Bede Chapl Penns Line. If Council should judge it most Convenient for us to wait the Return of the Auditors in General to this City-We shall be thereby greatly oblig'd. Directed, The honble the Supreme Executive Council of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Indorsed, From Rev. Mr Rogers, March 12, 1781. Answ by informing him he will be heard by the Auditors in Philade Gentlemen, PRES. REED TO BOARD OF WAR, 1781. The Lieutenant of the County of Lancaster & the first Magistrate of the County have made a Representation to us that the Magazine at that Place containing a great Quantity of Ammunition the Property of the United States is in a very insecure State & that the British Prisoners have been heard to drop Expressions which denote some bad intentions on that Score. We have thought it our Duty to send your Board the Information that you may take such Measures as you may judge necessary. & am with much Respect, Gent., Your Obed. Hbble Ser. |