| United States - Law - 1796 - 584 pages
...for reftoring prizes of this laft defcription found within their ports. Though they will of courfe take meafures to be informed of them, and the general...multiplying the channels of their information as far as mall depend on yourfelf, or any perfon under your direction, in order that the governors may ufe the... | |
| John Debritt - Europe - 1796 - 568 pages
...for reftoring prizes of this laft defcription found within their ports ; though they will of courfe take meafures to be informed of them, and the general...multiplying the channels of their information, as far as fhall depend on yourfelf, or any perfon under your direction, in order that the governors may ufe the... | |
| United States - Law - 1796 - 588 pages
...for reftoring prizes of this lafl defcription found within their ports. Though they will of courfe take meafures to be informed of them, and the general...multiplying the channels of their information as far as fhall depend on your! elf, or any perfon under your direction, in order that the governors may ufe... | |
| English poetry - 1796 - 800 pages
...Though they will of courfe take meafures to be informed of them, and the general government had given the aid of the cuftom-houfe officers for this purpofe,...multiplying the channels of their information, as far as ihall depend on yourfelf, or any perfon under your direélion, in order that the governors may ufe... | |
| J DEBRETT - 1796 - 842 pages
...for rcftoring prizes of this laft dcfcription found within their ports ; though they will of courfe take meafures to be informed of them, and the general Government has given them the aid uf the cuftom-houfe officers fur this purpofe, yet you will be fenfible of the importance of multiplying... | |
| William Winterbotham - America - 1799 - 576 pages
...; ihougn ih -y will of courfe take meafures to be informed of them, and the general government lias given them the aid of the cuftom-houfe officers for...will be fenfible of the importance of multiplying th« channels oT their information, as far as fhall depend on yourielf, or any perfdn umlcr your direction,... | |
| Georg Friedrich Martens - Europe - 1800 - 832 pages
...for reftoring prizes of this laft defcription, found within their ports. Though they will of courfe take meafures to be informed of them, and the general government has given them the aid of the Cuftom - houl'e Officers for this, purpofe , yet you will be fenfible of the importance' of multiplying... | |
| William Cobbett - Great Britain - 1818 - 810 pages
...prizes of this last description found within their ports; though they will of course take measures to be informed of them, and the general government has given them the aid of the Custom-house officers for this purpose, yet you will be sensible of the importance of multiplying the... | |
| United States - 1819 - 514 pages
...prizes of this last description, found within their ports. Though they will, of course, take measures to be informed .of them, and the general government has given them the aid of the customhouse officers for this purpose, yet you will be sensible of the importance of multiplying the... | |
| Georg Friedrich Martens, Karl von Martens - Europe - 1826 - 720 pages
...prizes of this lad defrriptioa, found within their ports. Though they will of courfe take meafurej to be informed of them, and the general government has given them the aid of the Cuftom - honle Officers for this purpofe, yet you will be fenGble of the this pnrpofe, yet you will... | |
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