American Jewish Year Book, Volume 21Cyrus Adler, Henrietta Szold Jewish Publication Society of America, 1919 - Jews Issues for 1900/1901- include report of the 12th- year of the Jewish Publication Society of America, 1890-1900- (issued also separately in some years); issues for 1908/1909- include Report of the American Jewish Committee for 1906/1908- (issued also separately in some years); issues for include American Jewish Committee. Proceedings of the annual meeting. |
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Aaron Abraham Adath Aid Society Anshe Anshei Auxiliary Society B'nai Israel B'way Benevolent Association Benevolent Society Benj Beth Israel Bldg Blvd Broadway Bway Cantor Cemetery CHAR Chas Chesed Chevra Kadisha Chevrah Clinton Club Cohen Committee Congregation Cyrus Adler David EDUC English and Hebrew Friedman Galicia Goldberg Goldman Goldstein Harry Hebrew and English Hebrew and Yiddish Hebrew Ladies Henry Herman Hyman income Isaac Isidore Jacob Jewish Charities Jewish community Jewish pop Jews Joseph Julius July June Kehillah Legion of Honor Levin Levy LIBRARY MEMBER Lieutenant Louis Madison Main Men's Hebrew Association Meyer Moon Morris Moses Nathan Palestine Park pogroms Poland Pres pupils Rabbi Rosenberg Roumanian Sa Dec Sabbath Saml Samuel Services sessions daily sessions weekly Sholom Simon Sisterhood Solomon Supt Talmud Torah Teachers Temple Tiphereth Washington York City Young Men's Hebrew Zion Zionist