The University and the New World: York University Invitation Lecture Series

University of Toronto Press, 1962年12月15日 - 100页
This is the first volume in the Invitation Lecture Series of York University and it is an auspicious beginning. Three leaders in higher education in the United States here present their thoughts on challenging questions of enrolment, curriculum, and standards which today confront the ever expanding universities of North America. Professor Jones describes "The Idea of a University Once More"; Professor Riesman outlines and comments on some significant recent "Experiments in Higher Education"; Professor Ulich discusses a theme which is vitally important for the effect of university education, "Creativity."

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作者简介 (1962)

Howard Mumford Jones (1892-1980) was Abbot Lawrence Lowell Professor of Humanities, Emeritus at Harvard University.
David Riesman (1909-2002) was the Henry Ford II Professor of Social Sciences at Harvard.
Robert Ulich (1890-1977) was the James Bryan Conant Professor of Education Emeritus at Harvard University.
