Liberalitis: A Thinking Disorder Destroying AmericaLiberals of both parties in America promote democracy and the populace seems to have no understanding of why this Nation's birth was as a Republic, and that it created freedom and prosperity. . . The Founders of this great Country knew that unchecked, a ruling majority (a democracy) could be just as tyrannical as any dictator, and for that reason they designed a limited government, which is defined as a Republic. . . During the last century, the word LIBERTY was replaced by the catch-word DEMOCRACY. As a result, people now mistakenly believe that democracy is the underlying principle of American government. In fact, a REPUBLIC protects the minority while a democracy does not. A democracy allows the majority to rule. . . George Washington warned us: A primary object. . .should be the education of our youth in the science of government. In a Republic, what. . .more pressing. . .than communicating it to those who are the future guardians of the liberties of the country. REPUBLIC is defined: A political order in which the supreme power lies in a body of citizens who are entitled to vote for officers and representatives responsible to them. . . LIBERAL is defined in several ways: 1. Tolerant of the ideas and behavior of others; broad-minded. 2. Tending to give freely; generous: a liberal benefactor. 3. Not strict or literal; loose or approximate. . . And in applying the liberal interpretation of how to live life and how to govern, our nation has moved far away from what the Founding Fathers knew would guarantee us life, liberty, and the freedom to be an individual. . . Those who support Liberalism have learned ways to tap into the hearts of American citizens to convince them tosupport ideals and actions that work against the very freedoms our forefathers fought and died for. Many of our citizens are well intentioned and do not realize how their caring minds and emotions have been played with to think as a liberal when, in fact, in their own lives, they find success in well thought out conservative choices. . . It is time to re-educate America. . . Al Snow, Sr. worked as a Contract Administrator on the Apollo Space Program from 1962 to 1970 (Man on the Moon July 20th 1969), and as a Director of Engineering and owner of a Nutritional Manufacturing Company in St. George, Utah, retiring in 2003. |
Introduction | 9 |
1 The Power of Suggestion | 17 |
2 Liberalitis | 23 |
Rid Yourself of Liberalitis | 30 |
6 Documents Used to Indoctrinate Liberal Free | 45 |
Liberals Believe America is a Democracy | 61 |
8 Saving the Constitution | 67 |
9 Facts About Liberals | 133 |
About the Author | 143 |
Glossary | 153 |
Information 164 | |
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accordance action administering authority Al Snow Amendment American citizen Article 43 Articles 26 Assembly believe blessings Cleon Skousen conscious mind Court of Justice cultural decision Declaration dispute Economic and Social elected establish this Constitution Federal force freedom functions global government grateful to Almighty Humanist Manifesto Humanist Manifesto II individual infected International Court international organization international peace judges judgment liberal maintenance of international majority Members Military Staff Committee mind virus negative parties peace and security person political Preamble present Charter present Statute President principles promote Published purpose question recommendations Registrar religion Religious humanism religious liberty representatives Republic request respect responsible rules Sean Hannity Secretary-General Security Council Social Council socialist sovereignty specialized agencies subconscious mind suggestion thinking treaty Trent Franks trust territory trusteeship agreements Trusteeship Council trusteeship system U.N. Charter U.S. Congress U.S. Constitution U.S. Supreme Court United Nations vibration vote World Government