9. The extraordinary funds for the service of the fifth year may amount to 650,000,000 (27,083,3331. sterling). They are composed, first, of 150,000,000, proceeding from the arrears of contributions; and, fecondly, of 500,000,000 (20,833,3331. sterling), resulting from the fale of the national property. 8. The ordinary expences will amount to 520,000,000 (21,666,6661. fterling): they will be covered by the ordinary receipts of the fifth year, which will amount to that fum. Copy of the Letter fent by the King of Naples to the Marquis del Vasto, who, after the Receipt of it, fet out for Rome as Ambassador Extraordinary, and concluded there the offensive and defensive Treaty between Naples and the Pope. HIS Holiness acquaints me by letter of his determination to reject the unjust and execrable conditions of the French, on which account he demands of me, though rather late, speedy fuccour. Notwithstanding this is against my original plan, I helitate not a moment to grant it to him, as it concerns our holy religion, to which I have constantly been devoted. As his Holiness demands of me, at the fame time, to fend fome perfon with whom he may confult on our common affairs, I have appointed you, the Marquis del Vasto, for this purpose, Depart immediately, and have at heart the honour of God and the holy church, the good of the state, and the tranquillity of my subjects, who daily give fresh proofs of their attachment and fidelity to me. Done in the camp of St. Germano, FERDINANDO REX. Note, by which M: Galeppi, Plenipotentiary Minister of Pius VI. announced to the French Commissioners, Garrau and Salicetti, the Determination of his Holiness not to accept the Conditions of Peace offered, or rather dictated by the French Directory. THE undersigned plenipotentiary, minifter of his Holiness the Pope Pius VI. has the honour to inform Meffrs. Garrau and Salicetti, commissaries of the Executive Directory with the French armies of Italy and the Alps, that having laid before his Holiness the fixty-four articles proposed by their excellencies, under the condition that they must all either be rejected or accepted to their full extent, his Holiness, after having examined them, and taken the advice of the holy college, declares, that heither religion nor good faith do any ways allow him to accept them. It is with the utmost concern his Holiness has found, that belides the article already proposed at Paris, tending to oblige him to difapprove, revoke, and annul, all the bulls, refcripts, briefs, and apoftolic mandats issued under the authority of the holy fee, with refpect to the affairs of France, since the year 1789, there were several others, which, being equally prejudicial to the catholic religion and the rights of the church, are confequently inadmiffible; without entering into any difcuffion concerning those which are destructive both to his fovereignty and dominions; pernicious to the happiness and tranquillity of his fubjects, and evidently contrary to the rights of other nations and powers, towards whom the holy fee would not even be able to maintain itself neutral. His Holinefs hopes, therefore, that the Executive Directory, from its own fenfe of rectitude, as well as in confideration of the mediation of his majesty the King of Spain, will do justice to the powerful motives which have deter mined his Holiness to give this refusal, which he is obliged to enforce at the hazard of his life. Given in Florence, the 15th of September, 1796. GALEPPI. (Signed) : Minifter Plenipotentiary to his Holiness the Pope Pius VI. Decree published at Coblentz on the 28th of October. Article I. THE inhabitants of the houses situated on the quay of the Rhine shall pull down the gates which open towards the river, and shall barricade the entrance with cafks or gabions full of mould or dung. The shutters as well shall be closed, and the blinds pulled down, so that nothing may be feen which paffes without. Those who difobey this order shall be punished by a fine, to be fixed by military authority, and imprisonment. The commandant of the place shall fcrupulously attend to the execution of this order. II. It is forbid to every burgher to walk out either by day or by night on the quay of the Rhine and Moselle. The centinels who are ftationed there shall feize and conduct to the commandant of the place whofoever shall act contrary to this order. They thall be punished by a fine of 24 livres, to be appointed to the use of the centinel. The quay above the stone bridge is excepted from the prefent order. III. The centinels who shall stop the boats endeavouring to pafs from the Mofcile to the Rhine, or from one fide to another, thall be highly recompenfed. No boat shall go down the Moselle above the ftone bridge, either by day or night. IV. The 1V. The city shall be constantly well lighted from the even ing till day-light; and, in cafe of alarm, lights shall be placed in all the cross-roads of the first stages, for the better difcerning objects. V. The inhabitants are forbid to found the tocfin on any account. All ringing of bells is formally forbid. Convents and monafteries are not excepted from this regulation. VI. In case of the alarm being beat, every inhabitant shall shut his shutters and street doors. Proprietors or house-keepers who do not conform to this order shall be immediately arrested, conducted to prifon, and amerced. VII. Every inhabitant, who; in case of alarm being beat, except for fire, shall be found in the street, shall be immediately arrested. He shall be immediately fired upon if he endeavours to efcape. VIII. Every inhabitant, who, in cafe of the alarm being beat, shall be found making figns or acclamations, shall be immediately arrested as a spy, and punished accordingly after the retreat is beat. Every kind of affembling is forbid, and whenever the patroles shall meet more than three perfons together in the streets, they shall arreft them, and they shall be detained in cuftody until they undergo an examination, and their difcharge pronounced by the commandant of the place. IX. Every publican who shall keep foldiers or fubalterns in his house, half an hour after the beating of the retreat, shall be arrested and fined fifty livres in money, for the use of the patrole who shall discover him breaking the law. The foldiers found in his house shall be likewise arrested and fent to prifon. In case of fire the inhabitants shall be at full liberty to act, and employ every means for putting it out. No foldier shall interfere, in case of fire, but at the request of the magiftrates, or the perfon whose house is on fire; a guard shall be provided, and as the ringing of bells or the tocfin is forbid, the inhabitants shall be allowed to call " fire," as usual. When the fire is put out, the burghers shall retire home. The present regulations of police are enacted and decreed for the city of Coblentz. Head Quarters at Coblentz, 7th Brumaire, fifth year: (Signed) KLEBER Refolution Refolution of the Council of Five Hundred, of the 5th of November respecting the general Discipline of the Armies. : DESERTION to the enemy is punished with death; home defertion, with five years imprisonment. Every foldier or perfon belonging to the train of the army convicted of treason, shall fuffer death. Every perfon that enlists men for a power at war with the Republic fhall fuffer death: Every individual, without regard to rank, quality or profession, convicted of being a spy, shall be punished with death. Pillage, plundering with arms in hand, and setting fire tổ property, shail fuffer the fame punishment. Marauding shall be punished by expofing the offender at the head of the army, and by feveral days imprisonment, according to the nature of the offence. A fecond offence shall be punished with five years imprisonment. Revolt, fedition, or disobedience, on the part of the inhabitants of the hoftile countries, occupied by the troops of the Republic, shall be punished with death; whether the disobedience shall have been manifested against the military commanders, or the revolt or mutiny have been directed against the whole or part of the troops of the Republic. Every inhabitant of an hoftile country, who shall stir up such a commotion or disobedience, thall fuffer the fame punishment. Every other military offence, against which this law does not provide, is to be punished agreeable to pre-existing laws. Every military commander is authorised, by this law, to make such regulations of common correctional difcipline, to maintain order and military difcipline, as the present law may have left unexplained. Copy of a Circular Letter to the Lieutenants of Counties on the Sea Coaft, dated Whitehall, November 5, 1796. MY LORD, AS it would materially add to the difficulties which already oppose themselves to any attempts, which it is possible the enemy may be induced to make upon our coaft, if the live and dead stock of individuals refiding near the fea-coaft was capable of being inftantly removed and secured, for the benefit of the proprietors, I am commanded to recommend it to your lordship to exert your influence in causing to be made out, as speedily as poffible, an account of live and dead stock, in fuch of the parishes of the county of Suffex as are within ten or twelve miles of the fea. ε With With respect to the mode of making out the account required, I take this opportunity of tranfmitting to your lordship the form in which it has been executed by the voluntary exertions of the gentlemen of the county of Dorfet; and shall beg to submit it for your lordship's confideration and adoption, unless where it may be found necessary to deviate from it, in confequence of local circumstances and situations. With respect to the mode in which it is proposed to remove such live and dead stock, in case it should be necessary, your lordship will communicate with the commander in chief of the district in which the county of Sussex lies, and will concert with him such previous measures for this purpose as may be judged requifite. The meeting which I have desired your lordship to call on the subject of my circular letter of this day's date, will afford you an opportunity of fubmitting this letter to the confideration of the deputy-lieutenants and the magistracy of the county of Sussex, and will confequently lead to the immediate adoption of fuch measures as fhall be necessary to enable the return to be made, which I am perfuaded your lordship will be of opinion is so much to be wished for. I am further to inform your lordship, that the lords commissioners of the treasury have received his Majesty's pleasure, that they should take such previous measures as may be neceffary for defraying any expences which may arife, in consequence of such poffible removal of live and dead stock as I have supposed," as well as of any particular losses which may eventually be occasioned thereby. Although this circumstance is such as must obviate every poffible objection to the measure, I am nevertheless confident, that all those whom it may concern would, exclusively of every personal confideration or motive, join with the utmost alacrity in the execution of a measure which has for its object the general fafety of the country. I have the honour to be, &c. PORTLAND. CAMDEN. A PROCLAMATION. WHEREAS we have received information, that divers ill affected persons have entered into illegal and treasonable affociations, in several parts of the counties of Antrim, Down, Tyrone, Londonderry, and Armagh, to fubvert the established government of this kingdom; and for the effecting fuch their VOL. V. U trea |