Ye youth, Columbia's pride, to whom has heaven In sacred trust her future welfare given; On whom devolves the high the important charge; Her rights to guard, her happiness enlarge; Fix'd to whose course immutably remains Her bliss or woe, her liberty or chains! O let your PATRIOT FATHER's precepts rest Deep in your hearts indelibly imprest! Let his example bright your souls inspire, To virtue kindle and to glory fire; Teach you the yells of faction to despise, Unmasque his arts and strip his thin disguise; To spurn, with generous pride and mark'd disgrace, The attempts insidious of a foreign race, To spread their baleful influence o'er your land Direct its councils and its strength command, What means soe'er their end to gain they try, Or force employ, or artifice apply,
If with the tiger's glare they mark the prey, Or crafty serpent's subtleties display. Nor e'er seduc'd let discord's fiends abhorr'd Tempt you to draw the parricidal sword, Your country's breast to wound with mortal blow, And lay the bulwark of her safety low; But, friends to order, firm, in union'd band, Around your government collected stand, That edifice on equal freedom rear'd, By reason sanction'd, and by truth rever'd. Let dire disunion, party rage expire, And one great object all your bosoms fire, Bid local hate and jealousy subside, The offspring mean of ignorance and pride; And teach the world Columbia's sons alone One glorious object of contention own, By virtuous acts, disinterested zeal, And fond devotion to their country's weal, With unremitting ardor to pursue. The path that Washington has op'd to view.
Tribute, by Mr. PAINE, of Massachusetts.
H Washington! thou hero, patriot, sage! Friend of all climes, and pride of every age!
Were thine the laurels, every soil could raise, The mighty harvest were penurious praise. Well may our realms, thy fabian wisdom boast; Thy prudence sav'd, what bravery had lost. Yet e'er hadst thou, by heaven's severer fates, Like Sparta's hero at the Grecian straits, Been doom'd to meet in arms, a world of foes, Whom skill could not defeat, nor walls oppose, Then had thy breast, by danger ne'er subdued, The mighty buckler of thy country stood; Proud of its wounds, each piercing spear would bless, Which left Columbia's foes one javelin less; Nor felt one pang-but, in the glorious deed, Thy little band of heroes too, must bleed; Nor throbb'd one fear-but, that some poison'd dart Thy breast might pass, and reach thy Country's heart!
[From a London Newspaper.]
CREAT without pomp, without ambition brave,
Proud, not to conquer fellow-men, but save;
Friend to the weak, a foe to none but those Who plan their greatness on their brethren's woes; Aw'd by no titles-undefil'd by lust- Free without faction, obstinately just; Too wise to learn from Machiavel's school, That truth and perfidy by turns should rule; Warm'd by religion's sacred, genuine ray, That points to future bliss th' unerring way; Yet ne'er control'd by superstition's laws, That worst of tyrants in the noblest cause.
On the death of general GEORGE WASHINGTON, from a late
AMENTED chief, at thy distinguish'd deeds, The world shall gaze with wonder and applause;
While on fair hist'ry's page the patriot reads Thy matchless valor in thy country's cause.
Yes, it was thine, amid destructive war, To shield it nobly from oppression's chain; By justice arm'd to brave each threat'ning jar, Assert its freedom, and its rights maintain.
Much honored hero, statesman, husband, friend, A gen'rous nation's grateful tears are thine ; E'en unborn ages shall thy worth commend, And never-fading laurels deck thy shrine.
Illustrious warrior! on the immortal base, By freedom rear'd, thy envied name shall stand; And fame, by truth inspir'd, shall fondly trace Thee, pride and guardian of thy native land.
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