CHOROGRAPHICAL AND STATISTICAL DESCRIPTION OF THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA, THE SEAT OF THE GENERAL GOVERNMENT OF THE UNITED STATES, WITH AN ENGRAVED PLAN OF THE DISTRICT, AND VIEW OF THE CAPITOL. Qui manet in Patriâ, et Patriam cognoscere temnit, PARIS: PRINTED AND SOLD BY SMITH, RUE MONTMORENCY. To be had also of T. BARROIS, Foreign Bookseller, No. 11, Quai 1816. 233. f. 77. DEDICATION то MRS. CUSTIS. MADAM, IT may not have escaped your recollection, that you kindly honoured me with your advice to occupy my leisure hours, at Washington, in examining the interesting objects of that magnificent situation. You were even pleased to accompany me in some of my excursions, and to honour me by an introduction to your relations and friends, to whom I feel grateful for valuable and unwearied attentions. |