TERNAY, CHEVALIER DE, to Vergennes, - - 460 21 September, 1780, VII. 529 18 October, V. VARNUM, JAMES M., to Nathanael Greene, VERGENNES, COUNT DE, to General Lafayette, 5 March, 12 February, Relative to Indian Hostilities, Concerning the Eastern Boundary of the On a Treaty with the Creek Indians, Relative to Great Britain, Relative to Spain and Portugal, On the Acceptance of the Constitution by 9 February, 1790, 5 March, 5 December, 1793, 16 -- Transmitting Questions relative to Algiers, 8 May, and the Relations with France, On the Execution of the Law imposing Relative to Hostile Proceedings against Concerning British and Indian Encroach- Relative to the Intercourse with Foreign Concerning a Treaty with the Creek In- 21 - No. VI. ADDRESSES. The references are to all the Addresses contained in the work, arranged To the Officers of the Virginia Regiment, 8 January, 1756, To the Captains of several Independent From the Independent Company of Alex- To the New York Provincial Congress, To the Provincial Congress of Massachu- To the Inhabitants of Canada, 16 June, 1775, 20 - 36 26 -- July, 7 June, 18 February, 1778, V. 241 2 June, 27 October, VIII. 195 20 November, 209 22 28 28 - 15 March, 8 June, 26 To the Citizens of Baltimore, To the Delaware Society for promoting To the State Society of the Cincinnati in To the President and Executive Council To the Mayor, Recorder, Aldermen, and To the President and Faculty of the Uni- To the Ministers, Church-wardens, and To the Ladies of Trenton, To the Mayor, Aldermen, and Common- To the Bishops of the Methodist Episco- To the General Committee, representing the United Baptist Churches in Virginia, To the Governor and Council of North 23 December, 2 November, 1783, VIII. 491 504 - - 570 15 July, 1784, IX. 53 16 November, - - 72 1789, X. 460 460 XII. 137 - |