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" Generally speaking the validity of a contract is to be decided by the law of the place, where it is made... "
Commentaries Upon International Law - Page 488
by Robert Phillimore - 1889
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The American Jurist and Law Magazine, Volume 11

Law - 1834 - 518 pages
...which appear to be recognised and settled in the jurisprudence of the common law. 'Generally speaking, the validity of a contract is to be decided by the law of the place, where it is made. If valid there, it is by the general law of nations, jure gentium, held valid every where,...
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American Quarterly Review, Volume 17

Robert Walsh - American literature - 1835 - 568 pages
...legislative authority, as matter of public police and regulation. foreign Contracts. Generally speaking, the validity of a contract is to be decided by the law of the place where it is made. If valid there, it is, by the general law of nations, gine gentium, held valid every where,...
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The Legal Observer, Or, Journal of Jurisprudence, Volume 11

Law - 1836 - 596 pages
...correct result of them, with respect to the validity of foreign contracts. — " Generally speaking, the validity of a contract is to be decided by the law of the place where it is made. If valid there, it is by the general law of nations, jure gentium, held valid every where,...
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Commentaries on the Conflict of Laws, Foreign and Domestic,: In Regard to ...

Joseph Story - Conflict of laws - 1841 - 966 pages
...different doctrine, viz., that the lex loci contracts is to govern 3. § 242. (1). Generally speaking, the validity of a contract is to be decided by the law of the place where it is made. If valid there, it is, by the general law of nations, (jure gentium), held valid every...
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Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the Supreme Court of ..., Volume 19

Louisiana. Supreme Court, Branch Walthus Miller, Thomas Curry - Law reports, digests, etc - 1842 - 672 pages
...and the authorities nearly balanced. Judge Story in his conflict of laws says, " generally speaking the validity of a contract is to be decided by the law of the place where it is made. If valid there it is by the general law of nations, jure gentium, held valid every where,...
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Reports of Cases at Law and in Equity Argued and Determined in ..., Volume 26

Arkansas. Supreme Court - Law reports, digests, etc - 1872 - 752 pages
...argument presented by the majority. Continuing, Judge STORY says : (sec. 242,) "Generally speaking, the validity of a contract is to be decided by the...unless it is to be performed in another country." This contract (the payment of the money mentioned in the notes) was to be performed in Tennessee, and...
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Commentaries on the Conflict of Laws: Foreign and Domestic, in Regard to ...

Joseph Story - Conflict of laws - 1846 - 1148 pages
...different doctrine, viz. that the Lex loci contractus is to govern.4 § 242. (1.) Generally speaking, the validity of a contract is to be decided by the law of the place, 1 The learned reader, who wishes for farther instruction as to the opinions of foreign jurists on all...
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Reports of Cases in Law and Equity, Argued and Determined in the ..., Volume 2

Georgia. Supreme Court - Equity - 1847 - 556 pages
...innumerahilm." 1 hut. Lib. 1, tit. 2, see 2. The first proposition we assert is this — as a general rule the validity of a contract is to be decided by the law of the place where it is made ; if valid there, it is by the general law of nations held valid every where, by the tacit...
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Commentaries on the Law of Bills of Exchange: Foreign and Inland, as ...

Joseph Story - Bills of exchange - 1847 - 704 pages
...possess himself of the main elements, belonging to this invalidity of contracts. Generally speaking, the validity of a contract is to be decided by the law of the place, where it is made. If valid there, it is, by the general law of nations, jure gentium, held valid everywhere,...
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Commentaries on Universal Public Law

George Bowyer - Jurisprudence - 1854 - 424 pages of the situs is to govern, naturally leads to the conclusion that the validity of the execution of a contract is to be decided by the law of the place where it is executed, and not by any foreign law. And all acts- done in court or out of court, whether testamentary...
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