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Commissioner of agriculture, appointment of, 332.

Commissioners appointed by Maryland and Virginia, 42 ; under Interior
Department, appointment of, 328.

Commissions issued by President, 65, 103, 298.

Committee of the States under the Confederation, 34, 38.

Common defense, provision for, 54, 59, 77, 84, 111, 114, 171, 172; law
in the Colonies, 16; law, what it includes, 271, 272.

Confederation, Articles of, sent to all the States, 28; but one House of
Congress under the, 119; committee appointed to prepare Articles of,
28; comparison of Articles of, with Constitution, III; convention
called to revise and amend Articles of, 44; copy of Articles of, 29;
decline and fall of the, 39, 112; leading defects of, 40, III, 112;
meeting of Congress under the, 29; peculiarities of Articles of, 37-39;
provision relating to Canada in Articles of, 35, 205; ratification of
Articles of, by all the States, 29; reluctancy of States to ratify Articles
of, 205; resolution of Congress of, relating to cession of unappropriated
lands to United States, 205; States forbidden to enter into, 62, 96, 255.
Congress, acts of, 162, 248, 293, 304, 311, 318; adjournment of Conti-
nental, to Princeton, 203; adjournments of, 158, 159; Articles of Con-
federation adopted by, 28; attendance of absent members of, may be
compelled, 57, 83, 154, 155; calls made by, on the States, for payment
of public debt, 45; Constitution submitted to, 76, 250; disqualifi-
cations of members of, to hold office, 57, 58, 79, 80, 82-84; equal
representation of States in, under the Confederation, 119; expulsion
of members of, 57, 83, 157, 158; has exclusive legislation over public
works, 61, 86, 201, 204; how composed, 54, 78, 116; journal of, to be
kept, 57, 83; legislative powers vested in, 54, 78, 116, 147, 216, 217;
meeting of, 57, 88, 217; meeting of, under the Confederation, 29;
meeting of First Constitutional, 48; meeting of First Continental, in
Philadelphia, 20; meeting of Second Continental, in Philadelphia, 24 ;
members of, not impeachable, 145; members of, privileged from arrest,
58, 99, 274, 275; members of, prohibited from holding United States
offices, 136, 158, 159, 239; membership in, 57, 82, 153, 154; messages
of President to, 295; number of representatives in Thirty-ninth, 119;
power of President to convene and adjourn, 65, 103, 217, 296; powers
of, under the Confederation, 38; powers of, under the Constitution,
55, 57, 59-61, 68, 84-86, 128, 157, 158, 163-217, 262, 274, 282, 292;
proceedings in, in election of President and Vice-President, 72, 101,
283, 299; proposal by First, of first twelve Amendments to the Consti-
tution, 51; proposal by Thirty-eighth, of Thirteenth Amendment, 51;
provision as to mode of authentication of State records and judicial
proceedings, 210; provisions common to both Houses of, 82, 153;
publication of Bill of Rights by, 20; quorum in either House of, 154;
report to, by Philadelphia Convention, of draft of Constitution, 46;
resolutions of, 44, 46, 48.

Connecticut, abolition of slavery in, 262; original government of, 18;
ratification of Articles of Confederation by, 29; ratification of Consti-
tution by, 49; settlement of, 15.

Constitution, analysis of, 77; annotations on the analysis of, III; com-
mencement of operations under, 48, 49; comparison of, with Articles of
Confederation, III; copy of, 54; draft of, reported by Philadelphia
Convention, 46; establishment of, by the people, 54, 77, III; estab-
lishment of Supreme Court by, 198; first effective move towards for-

mation of, 41; objections to, 47, 48, 50, 235; origin of, 41; preamble
to, 54, 77, III; ratification of, 47-49, 250; resolution of Congress
transmitting draft of, to the State Legislatures, 46; results of Thir-
teenth, Fourteenth, and Fifteenth Amendments to, 122; the origin of
State obligations, 69, 95; the supreme law of the land, 69, 96, 252.
Constitution, Amendments to. See Amendments.

Constitution of Virginia, formation of, 244.
Constitutional Congress, meeting of first, 48.
Constitutional Convention, copy of resolutions of, 75.
Construction and Repair, duties of Bureau of, 324.

Consuls, appointment of, 65, 82, 103, 149, 292, 297; definition of, 294;
Supreme Court has original jurisdiction in cases affecting, 309.

Continental Congress, adjournment of, to Princeton, 203; meeting of
First, in Philadelphia, 20; meeting of Second, in Philadelphia, 24.
Continental currency, 257.

Contracts, definition of, 258; law impairing obligation of, 62, 96, 180,
256, 257.

Controversies, judicial jurisdiction over, 66, 106, 310, 313, 314.

Convention, resolutions passed by Constitutional, 75; for proposing
amendments to Constitution, Congress may call, 213; Maryland, 41-43 ;
Philadelphia, 43, 44, 46.

Conviction in cases of impeachment, 56, 82, 152; of treason and other
high crimes, 66, 67, 93, 99, 102.

Copyright, cost of, 189; how protected, 60, 85, 187, 188.

Cotton, manufacture of, 215, 216.

Cotton-gin, invention of, 216.

Counsel for accused required by the Constitution, 71, 99, 268, 270.
Counterfeiting, definition of, 181; punishment for, 60, 85, 180.
Court, Supreme. See Supreme Court.

Court-martial, trial by, 266.

Courts, admiralty, 193; admiralty, cases to be tried in, 312; appointments
by, 65. 88, 212, 305; circuit and district, 60, 66, 86, 105, 198, 302, 303,
313; Federal, 305, 313; national, extent of jurisdiction of, 307; of
appeals, creation of circuit, 304; of claims, establishment of, 311;
original and appellate jurisdiction in, 308-314; State, 210, 314.
Crawford, William H., a candidate for presidency, 133.

Credit, definition of bills of, 256; national, 59, 84, 171; States forbidden
to emit bills of, 62, 96, 256.

Crimes, capital and infamous, 265, 266, 271; conviction of high, 60, 66,
93, 102; impeachment for high, 66, 105, 130; outside of State limits,
power of Congress to determine place of trial of, 67, 86, 198; punish-
ment of, 60, 85, 181.

Criminal actions, 71, 98, 267, 268.

Criminals, delivering up of fugitive, 67, 68, 95: judicial rights of, 265–
269; not to be tried twice, 71, 98, 265, 266; trial of, by court-martial,
266; trial of, by jury, 71, 98, 266, 268, 272.

Currency, national, 257.

Customhouses, 319; revenue of, 122.

Dallas, George Mifflin, Vice-President of United States, 316.
Dead Letter Office, 326.

Debate, liberty of, in Congress, 58, 100, 275.

Debt, imprisonment for, 179, 180; national, 1861-65, 166; national,
amount of, at various periods, 172; national, contracted in struggle for

independence, unpaid, 45; national, increase of, 167; national, means
of paying, 59, 84, 170, 171; national, validity of, 68, 69, 74, 91, 108,
233, 234; tender in payment of, 62, 96, 256, 257.

Declaration of Independence, adoption of, 24; committee appointed
to draft, 28; copy of, 24; origin of, 19; signers to, 27.
Declaration of Rights, copy of, 20.

Defense, provision for the common, 54, 59, 77, 84, III, 114, 171, 172.
Delaware, an appendage to the government of New York, 14; original
government of, 17; population of, in 1790 and 1860, 241; ratification
of Articles of Confederation by, 29; ratification of Constitution by, 49;
represented in Maryland Convention, 43; settlement of, 13, 15; under
the jurisdiction of Pennsylvania, 14.

Delegates to Congress, appointment of, under the Confederation, 37.
Denmark, abolition of slavery by, 232.

Department, Executive, 62, 100, 276; Judicial, 66, 105, 329; Legislative,
78, 116; of Agriculture, 331, 332; of State, 317.

Departments of the United States Government, 78, 116; necessity of
three, 52-54; power of President over heads of Executive, 64, 102.
Despot, definition of, 52.

[blocks in formation]

Disqualifications of members of Congress respecting office, 57, 58, 79,

80, 82-84.

District attorney, duty and appointment of, 305.

District courts, 60, 198, 303, 313.

District of Columbia, abolition of slavery in, 263; cession of, to
National Government, 203; Supreme Court in, 304.

Docks, duties of Bureau of Yards and, 324.

Dock-yards, power of Congress relating to, 61, 87, 202, 204.

Domestic tranquillity, provision for insuring, 54, 77, III, 113, 114;
violence, protection of States against, 68, 94.

Domicile, personal rights as to, 70, 97, 264.

Duties, Congress may revise and control State laws relating to, 62, 87, 261;
definition of, 164; how collected, 165; kinds of, 165; net produce of
all State, for use of treasury of United States, 260; on exports pro-
hibited, 61, 90, 164, 225, 260; on foreign slåves, 61, 88, 122; power
of Congress to lay and collect, 59, 84, 163, 164; restrictions on States
relating to, 62, 97, 211.

Economic Ornithology and Mammalogy in Department of Agriculture,
Division of, 332.

Education, grants of land in Western States for purposes of, 168.
Election of officers of Senate, 150; of President, 48, 49, 53, 62, 100, 279,

280, 284; of representatives, 48, 79, 125, 127. 207, 208, 245; of senators,
48, 138; of State senators and representatives, 57, 87, 94, 208, 245;
of Vice-President, 73, 82, 145, 150, 299; writs of, 55, 79, 128.
Electors of President and Vice-President, 62, 63, 72, 80, 87, 100, 207,
209, 280, 281, 282; of representatives, 55, 79, 126.

Eleventh Amendment to the Constitution, origin of, 311.

Eligibility to electorship, of representatives, 55, 79; to membership in
House of Representatives, 55, 79, 123; to membership in Senate, 56,
80, 134; to the presidency, 64, 100, 278; to vice-presidency, 299.
England, sovereign of, has sole power to convene Parliament, 217.
Entomological Division of Department of Agriculture, 332.

Envelopes, issue of stamped, 326.

Equal protection of the law not to be denied to any one, 74. 107.
Equality of representation in Senate, 69, 93, 120, 142, 214, 242, 243.
Equipment, duties of Bureau of, 324.

Equity, definition of, 308; jurisprudence, 308.

Evidence, prima facie, 210.

Excises, definition of, 164, 165; power of Congress to lay and collect,
59, 84.

Execution of the laws, 60, 65, 86, 103, 277. 298, 319.

Executive Department, 62, 100, 276: should be kept distinct from
Legislative and Judicial Departments, 52-54.

Executive officers of States bound by oath, 253, 254; powers of Senate,
65, 82, 148; vacancy, provision for, 64, 87, 211.

Expenditures of public money to be published, 61, 91, 226, 227; public,
of Post Office Department, for 1882, 186.

Experimental Garden and Grounds of Department of Agriculture, 332.
Exports, duties on, prohibited, 61, 62, 90, 97, 164, 225, 260.

Ex post facto laws, definition of, 228; prohibited, 61, 62, 91, 97, 228, 259.
Expulsion from Congress, 57, 83, 157, 158.

Faith and credit given to public acts of States, 67, 94, 243.

Federal courts, controversies in which United States is a party to be
adjudicated in, 313; protection, 246.

Felony, definition of, 182; power of Congress to punish, 60, 85, 181.
Fifteenth Amendment, basis of representation fixed by. 122.

Fillmore, Millard, President of United States, 299; Vice-President, 316.
Finances, powers of Congress relating to, 55, 59, 68, 84.

Fines, excessive, forbidden, 71, 99, 268, 271.

First Congress, proposal by, of first twelve Amendments. 51.
First Continental Congress, meeting of, in Philadelphia, 20.
Florida, acquisition of, by United States, 202, 206; admission of, 206.
Foreign armies, size of, 197; coin, power of Congress to regulate value
of, 60, 85, 177; commerce, statistics relating to, 318; invasion, pro-
tection of States against, 246; languages, translation of documents in,
into English, 318; letters, rates of postage on, 185; nations, correspond-
ence with agents of, 318; nations, power of Congress to regulate
commerce with, 59, 84, 173; patronage forbidden, 62, 91, 92, 240;
slave trade, 61, 69, 88, 91, 121, 122, 182, 215, 216, 229-231, 262.
Foreigners, naturalization of, 199-201.

Forestry Division of Department of Agriculture, 333.

Forts, power of Congress in relation to, 61, 87, 202, 204.

Fourteenth Amendment to the Constitution, important change in basis
of representation made by, 122.

France, abolition of slavery by, 232.

Franklin, Benjamin, on the veto, 221.

Freedom, civil, 91, 234, 235: from arrest, of members of Congress, under
the Confederation, 31; from arrest, of members of Congress, under the
Constitution, 58, 99, 274, 275; of speech and of the press not to be
abridged, 58, 70, 92, 100, 236, 275; religious, 70, 92, 235, 237.
French Army, size of, 197.

Fugitives from justice, 67, 94, 247, 248; from service, 67, 95, 247, 248.
Garfield, James A., death of, 144, 299, 317; President, 317.

Georgia, original government of, 17; ratification of Articles of Confeder-
ation by, 29; ratification of Constitution by, 49; settlement of, 15.

German Army, size of, 197.

Gerry, Elbridge, Vice-President of United States, 316.
Glossary of legal terms and phrases, 337.

Gold and silver, tender of, in payment of debts, 62, 96, 256, 257.
Government of land and naval forces, 60, 86; of territory of United
States, 68, 86, 201; departments of, 52-54, 78, 116; direct taxation
for support of general, 121; expenses for support of, how paid, 122;
free, 52, 247; location of seat of, previous to 1800, 203, 204; objec-
tions to Federal, 47; power of Congress over seat of, 60, 86, 201;
republican form of, guaranteed to States, 68, 94, 246; under Confed-
eration inadequate to wants of people, 112.

Governments, Charter, 17; Colonial, 16; Proprietary, 17; Provincial, 16.
Grant, Ulysses S., twice President of United States, 317.

Great Britain, abolition of slavery by, 232; cause of final separation of
Colonies from, 19; claim by, of right to govern the Colonies, 13, 19.
Habeas corpus, privilege of writ of, 61, 90, 223.

Hamilton, Alexander, on supremacy of United States authority, 253;
on system of government, 276; on titles of nobility, 227; report of,
recommending Philadelphia Convention, 43.

Harrison, Benjamin, President of United States, 317.

Harrison, William Henry, death of, 144, 299; President, 316.
Hayes, Rutherford B., President of United States, 317.
Hendricks, Thomas A., Vice-President of United States, 317.
High seas, definition of, 182; punishment of crimes on, 60, 85.
Homestead Law, general provisions respecting, 169.
Hospitals, erection of marine, 319.

House of Representatives, adjournment of, 57, 83; aggregate number
of members of, increased by admission of new States, 118; analysis
of, 78; attendance of absent members of, may be compelled, 57, 83,
154 155 coördinate with Senate in general legislation, 130, 132;
election of President by, 132, 133, 284, 300; eligibility to membership
in, 57, 82, 123; exclusive power of, to originate bills for raising revenue,
147; how composed, 54; journal of proceedings of, 57, 83; list of
speakers of, 333; objections to, 47; one branch of Congress, 54, 78,
116; power of President to convene, 296; powers of, 55, 57, 72, 80,
83, 101, 130, 152; Presidents elected by, 287; quorum in, 57, 83; seats
in, vacated on account of Rebellion, 118; Territories allowed one dele-
gate each to, 119; vacancies in, how supplied, 55, 79, 128.
Hydrographic Office and its publications, 324.

Idaho, admission of, into the Union, 207.

Illinois, admission of, into the Union, 206.

Impeachment, conviction of, 152; definition of, 130; extent of judg-
ment in cases of, 56, 82, 93; for treason and other high crimes, 66, 93,
102, 105, 241, 288; House of Representatives has sole power of, 55,
80, 130, 131; mode of procedure in cases of, 130, 152, 153; of judges,
66, 105, 305, 307; of President, 66, 93, 102; of Senator Blount, 136;
of Vice-President, 145; power of, in England, vested in House of
Commons, 131; punishment for, 152; trials for, by Senate, 56, 82,
135, 151; trials for, in England, by House of Lords, 131.
Importation of slaves. See Slave trade.

Imports, duties on, of two kinds, 165; duties on, prohibited, 62, 97.

Imposts, definition of, 164; powers of Congress relating to, 59, 62, 84,

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