THE feudal system, so often noticed in history, appears to have existed in Europe at an early date, among the tribes that inhabited Germany. These, like the Celts who first settled France, Spain, Britain, and Ireland, doubtless came from Asia. The period of their first emigration may have been, and doubtless was, 1500 or 2000 years before Christ; but tribe after tribe continued to flow into Europe, down to the time of Rome's final overthrow by the Goths. It is probable that the German tribes brought their feudal system of government with them; but it doubtless became much modified after its establishment in Europe. It existed among the Franks, one of those tribes; and these, making d some conquests in Gaul, under their king, Pharamond, about A. D. 420, and finally settling in that country, established it there. From this period, the feudal system is seen extending over all parts of Europe, until, in the course of a few centuries, all the great kingdoms of Europe are founded upon it as the basis of their political institutions. It must be remembered that these German tribes, as well as the other inhabitants of Europe, were, at the period of which we treat, chiefly addicted to war. They had flocks, and sometimes settled down, for half a century or more, in one spot, pursuing agriculture in intervals of peace. But they were, still, always looking out for some rich tribe or country which they might plunder. In this state of things the people required bold and active leaders; those who were fond of strife, and capable of ensuring victory in their bloody enterprises. Accordingly, we find them generally under the sway of kings whose character was marked with strength and courage, mingled with skill and sagacity. The sovereigns were always assisted by chiefs, who partook of the characteristics of their leaders. When one of these tribes conquered a country, they divided the spoils among themselves. The king took by far the largest portion; his chiefs took less, and the common soldiers a still smaller share. The lands were wholly taken by the king and his chiefs, who were called barons. There was one condition on which these lands were held, which constituted the chief feature of the feudal system. A baron held his land upon condition that, when required by his king, he should bring all his men, capable of bearing arms, into his service. The people were permitted to cultivate the lands of the barons on the condition that they, too, should do military as well as other service in behalf of their liege lords, in case of need. The common people were called serfs, and were little more than slaves, being completely subject to the power of their masters. They were, however, permitted to live upon the lands of the chiefs, and though often treated with cruelty, and sometimes suffering the most degrading outrages, they were generally supplied liberally with the necessaries of life. It was about the year 480, that Clovis became king of France, the government being based upon the feudal system. This monarchy continued to increase in power, until it became established, and has ever since been one of the leading powers of Europe. In Germany and the north of Europe, kingdoms continued to be established on a feudal basis, from the fifth to the twelfth century, until at last all parts of this quarter of the globe were subject to feudal monarchies, except Ireland, Italy, Greece and Turkey. In all these latter countries, absolute despotism, on the Asiatic plan prevailed, except in Ireland, where the people appear to have had something like representation in the govern ment. About the fourteenth century, arts revived and commerce began to flourish in Europe. These introduced a new era of light, and the vassals of the feudal lords at last discovered that while they were men, the lord was himself nothing more than a man. From that period there was a gradual, but slow advancement, toward political truth and the breaking down of feudal bondage. This progress was more rapid in England than in any other country, but even there, it crept with reluctant steps; for it was the interest, and the endeavor, of her kings and priests, desirous of still holding their sway over the people, to prevent them from discovering their rights and their real power. The first settlers of America came here, bringing with them the political discoveries which had been made in England; having nothing to cloud their minds, they soon enjoyed the broad sunshine of political liberty, which belongs to man as his birthright. This glorious illumination resulted, finally, in the separation of the colonies from England and the independence of America. The success of our government in making a people prosperous and happy, has shaken down the French monarchy, to be rebuilt, indeed, but with no feudal attributes. It has done much to modify the institutions of England, and to infuse principles of liberty into every other monarchy of Europe. BEFORE I proceed to give an account of our American government, it may be well to look a little more particularly into some of the leading governments of Europe. We will begin with that of France. This monarchy began with Pharamond, who led into France, as has been stated, a tribe of Franks, about 420, who there established themselves. Clovis, one of his successors, who began his reign in 480, having established his government and adopted Christianity, is sometimes regarded as the founder of the kingdom. |