An Almanack for the Year of Our Lord ...

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Page 428 - Kingdom, with this qualification, that he shall not, when within the limits of the foreign State of which he was a subject previously to obtaining his certificate of naturalisation, be deemed to be a British subject unless he has ceased to be a subject of that State in pursuance of the laws thereof, or in pursuance of a treaty to that effect.
Page 264 - Gilchrist (17591841) to trustees, "for the benefit, advancement, and propagation of education and learning in every part of the world, as far as circumstances will permit.
Page 426 - I do solemnly declare, that I know not of any lawful impediment why I, AB, may not be joined in matrimony to CD' And each of the parties shall say to the other, ' I call upon these persons here present to witness that I, AB, do take thee CD to be my lawful wedded wife [or husband.'] Provided also, that there be no lawful impediment to the marriage of such parties.
Page 424 - If personal information is not given a written notice of the death, accompanied by a certificate of the cause of death* signed by a registered medical practitioner^ if any such attended the deceased^ must be sent within the same period, and the register must be signed within 14 days from the death.
Page 429 - Any person who, (1) while suffering from any dangerous infectious disorder, wilfully exposes himself, without proper precautions against spreading the said disorder, in any street, public place, shop, inn, or public conveyance, or enters any public conveyance without previously notifying to the owner, conductor, or driver...
Page 425 - No parent or other person shall be liable to any penalty under section twenty-nine or section thirty-one of the Vaccination Act of 1867 if, within four months from the birth of the child he satisfies two justices, or a stipendiary or metropolitan police magistrate, in petty sessions, that he conscientiously believes that vaccination would be prejudicial to the health of the child...
Page 429 - ... may, on a certificate signed by a legally qualified medical practitioner, and with the consent of the superintending body of such hospital or place, be removed, by order of any justice, to such hospital or place at the cost of the local authority...
Page 447 - WATCH,— For purposes of discipline, and to divide the work fairly, the crew is mustered in two divisions— the Starboard (right side, looking forward) and the Port (left). The day commences at noon, and Is thus divided :— Afternoon Watch ... . noon to 4 pm First Dog , ..... 4 pm to 6 pm Second Dog , .... 6 pm to 8 pm First , ... . 8 pm to midnight.
Page 435 - ... the debenture stock, of any railway company in Great Britain or Ireland incorporated by special Act of Parliament, and having for ten years next before the date of investment paid a dividend on its ordinary stock or shares, with power to vary the investment into or for any other such securities...

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