I believe that a moment's thought would have made us let him continue his way unharmed; but we carried out the law of this country, where all animated nature seems at war, and, seizing him immediately, put him in at least a fit place, — in the leaves... United States Magazine - Page 132edited by - 1856Full view - About this book
 | United States. Congress. House - United States - 900 pages
...believe that a moment's thought would have made us let him continue his way unharmed ; but we carried out the law of this country, where all animated nature...large book, among: the flowers we had collected on eur way. The barometer stood at 18.293, the attached thermometer at 44°; giving for the elevation... | |
 | John Charles Frémont - Botany - 1843 - 244 pages
...continue his way * unharmed, but we carried out the law of this country, where all animated *& ture seems at war; and seizing him immediately, put him in at least a place, in the leaves of a large book among the flowers we had collect'1 * « , -uur way. The barometer... | |
 | Literature - 1856 - 1430 pages
...believe that a moment's thought would have made us let him continue his way unharmed, but we carried out the law of this country, where all animated nature...book, among the flowers we had collected on our way." — Notes and Queries. GOETHE LEARNING TO DANCE. ONE love affair, however, was not so easily effaced.... | |
 | John Charles Frémont - America - 1845 - 764 pages
...believe that a moment's thought would have made us let him continue his way unharmed ; but we carried out the law of this country, where all animated nature...we had collected on our way. The barometer stood at 18.293, the attached thermometer at 44°; giving for the elevation of this summit 13,570 feet above... | |
 | John Charles Frémont - America - 1840 - 290 pages
...believe that a moment's thought would have made us let him continue his way unharmed ; but we carried out the law of this country, where all animated nature...we had collected on our way. The barometer stood at 18.293, the attached thermometer at 44°; giving for the elevation of this summit 13,570 feet above... | |
 | John Charles Frémont - America - 1845 - 822 pages
...believe that a moment's thought would have made us let him continue his way unharmed ; but we carried out the law of this country, where all animated nature...flowers we had collected on our way. The barometer stood at_l_S.293_j the attached thermometer at 44°; giving for the elevation of this summit 13,570 feet... | |
 | John Charles Frémont, John Torrey - America - 1845 - 678 pages
...believe that a moment's thought would have made us let him continue his way unharmed ; but we carried out the law of this country, where all animated nature...large book, among the flowers we had collected on eur way. The barometer stood at 18.293, the attached thermometer at 44° ; giving for the elevation... | |
 | New York (N.Y.) - 1846 - 392 pages
...believe that a moment's thought would have made us let him continue his way unharmed ; but we carried out the law of this country, where all animated nature...we had collected on our way. The barometer stood at 19,293, the attached thermometer at 44 degrees; giving, for the elevation of this summit, 13,570 feet... | |
 | 1846 - 404 pages
...believe that a moment's thought would have made us let him continue his way unharmed; but we carried out the law of this country, where all animated nature...we had collected on our way. The barometer stood at 18'293, the attached thermometer at 44* ; giving for the elevation of this summit 13,570 feet above... | |
 | 1846 - 708 pages
...believe that a moment's thought would have made us let him continue his way unharmed ; but we carried out the law of this country, where all animated nature...least a fit place — in the leaves of a large book, amongst the flowers we had collected in our way." The object of the second expedition into Oregon and... | |
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