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Rhode Island Legislature against altering the tariff-
Rivers, roads, creeks, bays, harbors, &c. Improvements of,
annual report of the Chief Engineer

River Huron, Ohio. Report Chief Engineer
Report Chief Engineer

River Black, Ohio.

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President's veto of the bill for improv

Rivers, harbors, &c.
ing certain -
River Potomac. Citizens of Georgetown in favor of erect-
ing a free bridge over the, at the Little Falls, also a
free road to, and removing obstructions to the naviga-
tion of the
Rivers Ohio and Mississippi. Improvement of the naviga-

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tion of the
River Manongahela. Survey of the, with a view to a steam-
boat navigation from Pittsburgh to Brownsville
Roads, harbors, rivers, &c. Report of the Engineer De-
partment, Topographical Bureau, and of the Third
Auditor, relative to improvements of

Road from Villemont to Little Rock, in Arkansas
Roads, unproductive post. List of


Salt. Baltimore merchants in favor of abolishing the duty

on common, and imposing a duty on imported fossil
or mineral

Schoolcraft's expedition among the northwestern Indians
School, naval. Site for a

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Seamen in the ports of the United States, and passengers arriving in 1832

Ship, Danish, taken out of the port of St. Bartholomews by the United States' ship Erie. Case of a

Ship Pactole, a French ship. Case of

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Sicilies. Convention between the United States and the


Silver and gold bullion in the Mint of the United States.
Value, &c., of

Smith, John E.

Sinking Fund. Report of the Commissioners of the
Soldiers, revolutionary. Memorial of certain

Soldiers, revolutionary, of Rhode Island

Solorzano's Politica Indiana, Laws, (Spanish)

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South Carolina. Memorial of the Legislature of Alabama relative to the proceedings of

South Carolina. President's message relative to the state of the Union, and particularly of

South Carolina Legislature. Resolutions proposing a general convention


South Carolina. Resolutions of the Legislature of Delaware relative to the ordinance of

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South Carolina. Resolutions of the free trade party in




South Carolina. Resolutions of the Legislature of Indiana
relative to the proceedings of
South Carolina. Resolutions of the Legislature of New Jer-
sey in favor of the President's proclamation, and op-
posed to the doctrines of
South Carolina. Memorial of the Legislature of, relative to
the State of -


Spanish laws, Zolorzano's Politica Indiana. Extract from -
Spoliations, French, since 1800

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State Department. Names and emoluments of clerks in
States. Acts of the several, in adopting the constitution of
the United States

State banks. Condition of the

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Steamboat navigation between Pittsburgh and Brownsville.
Survey of the Monongahela river with a view to a
Stock of the United States, relating to the postponement of
payment of the three per cent.

Subsistence department of the army. Report of the
Sullivan, Mary O'-

Survey of Narragansett bay, (two Reps. of this No.)
Surveys and sales of the public lands.

Statement of the

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Tariff Citizens of Boston in favor of the existing
Tariff Citizens of Huntington county, Pennsylvania, for
reduction of the

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Tariff Rhode Island Legislature for the existing
Tariff. Legislature of Pennsylvania against altering the
Tariff Merrimack Manufacturing Company for continuing
the -

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Tariff Philadelphia importers of hardware for altering the 2
Tariff Inhabitants of Easton, Pennsylvania, opposed to
bullification, and in favor of the

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2 73

Tariff Baltimore merchants pray the duty to be taken off
common and imposed on foreign mineral or fossil salt 2
Tariff New York Convention of the Friends of American

Industry in favor, of a protecting

Tri Citizens of Philadelphia opposed to nullification, and
in favor of protecting duties

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Tarifi of 1832, as construed by the Treasury Department.
Philadelphia merchants pray for an amendment of the 2
Tariff Legislature of Massachusetts opposed to nullification,
and in favor of the existing -

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Tariff. Citizens of Middlesex county, Massachusetts, oppos-
ed to nullification, and in favor of the existing
Tariff laws of 1816, 1818, 1824, 1828, and 1832. Compar-
ative statement of the operations of the
Tariff. Comparison between the duties payable under the
different rates of, and explanation relative to the es-
timated revenue of $18,000,000

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Citizens of Litchfield, Connecticut, opposed to any
alteration of the
Tariff. Citizens of Portsmouth, New Hampshire, opposed


to nullification, and in favor of a reduction of duties 2
Tariff. Albany importers of hardware pray for an altera-
tion of the

Tariff. Citizens of Saratoga county, New York, in favor
of the President's proclamation, and a protecting
Tariff. Citizens of Delaware county, Pennsylvania, in favor
of the existing


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Citizens of Westmoreland county, Pennsylvania, in
favor of reducing the
Tariff. Farmers, mechanics, and merchants, of Newcastle
county, Delaware, in favor of the existing

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Tariff of duties. American Institute, of New York, against
reducing the duties on imports.

Tariff of 14th July, 1832. Memorial of importers of hard-
ware, of New York, for amending the

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2 106

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3- 124

3 134

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Tariff. Citizens of Vermont in favor of the existing
Tennessee Legislature opposed to the powers of Congress
relating to internal improvements

Tariff, nullification, &c. Legislature of Alabama on the sub-
ject -

Tariff. Inhabitants of Westmoreland county opposed to the
Topographical Engineer. Annual report of the
Trade with the Indians. List of licenses granted to
Treasury report on the finances

Treasury Department.

Clerks in the

Names and compensation of the

Treasury report of unavailable funds

Treaty between the United States and the Two Sicilies

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Acts of the several States ratifying the con-

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United States and the King of the Two Sicilies. Conven-
tion between the



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Vaccinating the Indians. On the subject of

Vaccinating the Indians. Relative to the execution of the
acts extending the benefits of


Vermont Legislature. Resolutions of, in favor of Mr. Clay's
bill for the disposition of the public lands

Vessels. Foreign tonnage duties on, and on the subject of
the Danish ship taken out of the port of St. Bartholo-
mews, by the United States' ship Erie

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Veto of the President of the bill for improving certain riv

ers, harbors, &c., &c.

Villemont to Little Rock, in Arkansas. Road from



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Wa. Report of the Secretary of

War. Report from the Department of

War Department. Contracts made in 1832 by the

War Department. Names and compensation of the Clerks

in the

War Department. Appropriations made for 1832 for the
Washington City. Appropriations and expenditures made
in 1832 for public improvements in-
Washington City. Report relative to the bridge across the
Potomac river at

Washington City. Memorial of the citizens of, in opposition
to a petition of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad

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