Rhode Island Legislature against altering the tariff- River Huron, Ohio. Report Chief Engineer River Black, Ohio. President's veto of the bill for improv Rivers, harbors, &c. tion of the Road from Villemont to Little Rock, in Arkansas S. Salt. Baltimore merchants in favor of abolishing the duty on common, and imposing a duty on imported fossil Schoolcraft's expedition among the northwestern Indians Seamen in the ports of the United States, and passengers arriving in 1832 Ship, Danish, taken out of the port of St. Bartholomews by the United States' ship Erie. Case of a Ship Pactole, a French ship. Case of Sicilies. Convention between the United States and the Two Silver and gold bullion in the Mint of the United States. Smith, John E. Sinking Fund. Report of the Commissioners of the Soldiers, revolutionary, of Rhode Island Solorzano's Politica Indiana, Laws, (Spanish) South Carolina. Memorial of the Legislature of Alabama relative to the proceedings of South Carolina. President's message relative to the state of the Union, and particularly of South Carolina Legislature. Resolutions proposing a general convention · South Carolina. Resolutions of the Legislature of Delaware relative to the ordinance of South Carolina. Resolutions of the free trade party in 89 89 89 South Carolina. Resolutions of the Legislature of Indiana - Spanish laws, Zolorzano's Politica Indiana. Extract from - State Department. Names and emoluments of clerks in State banks. Condition of the Steamboat navigation between Pittsburgh and Brownsville. Subsistence department of the army. Report of the Survey of Narragansett bay, (two Reps. of this No.) Statement of the T. 2 88 19 63 Tariff Citizens of Boston in favor of the existing Tariff Rhode Island Legislature for the existing Tariff Philadelphia importers of hardware for altering the 2 72 2 73 Tariff Baltimore merchants pray the duty to be taken off Industry in favor, of a protecting Tri Citizens of Philadelphia opposed to nullification, and Tarifi of 1832, as construed by the Treasury Department. Tariff. Citizens of Middlesex county, Massachusetts, oppos- Tariff Citizens of Litchfield, Connecticut, opposed to any 2 to nullification, and in favor of a reduction of duties 2 Tariff. Citizens of Saratoga county, New York, in favor Tariff. Citizens of Westmoreland county, Pennsylvania, in Tariff of duties. American Institute, of New York, against Tariff of 14th July, 1832. Memorial of importers of hard- 2 106 3- 124 3 134 2 100 - Tariff. Citizens of Vermont in favor of the existing Tariff, nullification, &c. Legislature of Alabama on the sub- Tariff. Inhabitants of Westmoreland county opposed to the Treasury Department. Clerks in the Names and compensation of the Treasury report of unavailable funds Treaty between the United States and the Two Sicilies Acts of the several States ratifying the con- United States and the King of the Two Sicilies. Conven- 28 122 V. Vaccinating the Indians. On the subject of Vaccinating the Indians. Relative to the execution of the - Vermont Legislature. Resolutions of, in favor of Mr. Clay's Vessels. Foreign tonnage duties on, and on the subject of Veto of the President of the bill for improving certain riv ers, harbors, &c., &c. Villemont to Little Rock, in Arkansas. Road from W. Vol. No. Page 17 39 · 3 118 Wa. Report of the Secretary of War. Report from the Department of War Department. Contracts made in 1832 by the War Department. Names and compensation of the Clerks in the War Department. Appropriations made for 1832 for the Washington City. Memorial of the citizens of, in opposition |