| William Alexander Duer - Technology & Engineering - 1819 - 212 pages
...dated August 26, 1791In testimony whereof, I, John Q. Adams, Secretary of State of the United Slates, have hereunto subscribed my name, and caused the seal of the Department of State to be affixed. Done ai the City of Washington, this 11th day of August, AD 1818. JOHN Q, ADAMS. THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA—... | |
| William Alexander Duer - Technology & Engineering - 1819 - 208 pages
...engine ; dated this 29th day of November, 1811. In testimony whereof, I, JQ Adams, Secretary of L. s. State, of the United States, have hereunto subscribed...my name, and caused the seal of the Department of Stale to be affixed. Done at Washington, this 21st day of January, AD 1819. JQ ADAMS. THE UNITED STATES... | |
| Maryland. Court of Appeals, Richard W. Gill, Richard Wordsworth Gill, John Johnson - Law reports, digests, etc - 1845 - 560 pages
...that full faith and confidence are due to his acts as such. In testimony whereof, I, John Forsyth, Secretary of State of the United States, have hereunto...Department of State to be affixed. Done at the city of Washington, this nineteenth day of June, (Seal.) AD 1840, and of the Independence of the United... | |
| Physico-Medical Society of New Orleans - Physicians - 1838 - 88 pages
...is a true copy from SEAL. the record, now in this Department. In testimony whereof, I, John Forsyth, secretary of state of the United States, have hereunto...the seal of the Department of State, to be affixed. Doue at the City of Washington, this twenty-sixth day of April, A. D:, 1837, and of the Independence... | |
| Joseph M. White - Colonies - 1839 - 764 pages
...authority and in pursuance of instructions to that effect from this department. In testimony whereof, I, secretary of state of the United States, have hereunto...department of state to be affixed. Done at the city of Washington, this twenty-ninth day of September, AD 1827, and of the independence of the United States... | |
| Joseph M. White - Colonies - 1839 - 762 pages
...believed by this department to be entirely authentic and correct. In testimony whereof, I, Henry Clay, secretary of state of the United States, have hereunto...of the department of state to be affixed. Done at Washington, this twenty-seventh day of September, AD 1827, and of the independence of the United States... | |
| New York (State). Secretary's Office - New York (State) - 1871 - 548 pages
...constitution of the United States. In testimony whereof, I have hereunto set my hand, and caused the веа! of the department of state to be affixed. Done at the city of Washington this twenty-eighth day of July, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and... | |
| Elijah Coleman Bridgman, Samuel Wells Williams - China - 1848 - 676 pages
...this Department. In testimony whereof, I, James Buchanan, Secretary of Stale of the United Suites, have hereunto subscribed my name, and caused the Seal...Department of State to be affixed. Done at the city of Washington, this twenty-eighth day of August. A. n. 1848, and of the Independence of the United... | |
| William Henry Seward - New York (State) - 1884 - 652 pages
...as a part of the Constitution of the United States. In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Department of State to be affixed. Done at the city of Washington, this eighteenth day of December, in the year of [SEAL] our Lord one thousand eight hundred... | |
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