Songs of the Revolution: A Paper Read Before the General David Humphreys Branch of the Connecticut Society of the Sons of the American Revolution, May Twenty-ninth, MDCCCXCIII.

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Press of Tuttle, Morehouse & Taylor, 1893 - American poetry - 45 pages

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Page 12 - At Eutaw Springs the valiant died; Their limbs with dust are covered o'er— Weep on, ye springs, your tearful tide; How many heroes are no more! If in this wreck of ruin, they Can yet be thought to claim a tear, O smite your gentle breast, and say The friends of freedom slumber here!
Page 27 - Chorus Yankee Doodle, keep it up,, Yankee Doodle, dandy, Mind the music and the step, And with the girls be handy.
Page 1 - Then join hand in hand, brave Americans all, By uniting we stand, by dividing we fall; In so righteous a cause let us hope to succeed, For Heaven approves of each generous deed.
Page 32 - Till they rest their green heads on the blue of the skies ; And ours are the forests unwasted, unshorn, Save where the wild path of the tempest is torn. And though savage and wild be this climate of ours, And brief be our season of fruits and of flowers, Far dearer the blast round our mountains which raves, Than the sweet summer zephyr, which breathes over slaves.
Page 9 - O'er the rough main with flowing sheet The guardian of a numerous fleet, Seraphis from the Baltic came; A ship of less tremendous force Sail'd by her side the self-same course, Countess of Scarb'ro
Page 23 - COLUMBIA, Columbia, to glory arise, The queen of the world, and the child of the skies! Thy genius commands thee ; with rapture behold, While ages on ages thy splendors unfold. Thy reign is the last and the noblest of time, Most fruitful thy soil, most inviting thy clime; Let the crimes of the East ne'er encrimson thy name, Be freedom and science and virtue thy fame.
Page 31 - old Bay State" threaten? Does Congress complain? Swarms Hampshire in arms on our borders again? Bark the war-dogs of Britain aloud on the lake? Let 'em come; — what they can, they are welcome to take. What seek they among us? The pride of our wealth Is comfort, contentment, and...
Page 6 - While he thus anticipated Conquests that he could not gain, He in the Cape May channel waited For the ship that caused his pain. Captain Barney then preparing, Thus addressed his gallant crew — "Now, brave lads, be bold and daring, Let your hearts be firm and true; This is a proud English cruiser, Roving up and down the main, We must fight her — must reduce her, Though our decks be strewed with slain.
Page 7 - Covered o'er his decks with dead. When from their tops their dead men tumbled, And the streams of blood did flow, Then their proudest hopes were humbled By their brave inferior foe. All aghast, and all confounded, They beheld their champions fall, And their captain, sorely wounded, Bade them quick for quarters call. Then the MONK'S proud flag descended, And her cannon ceased to roar; By her crew no more defended, She confessed the contest o'er.

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