| Philip Morin Freneau - American poetry - 1786 - 432 pages
...under the command of captain PEARSON. Written Au%uf, 1781. I. \J 'ER the rough main with flowing flieet The guardian of a numerous fleet, Seraphis from the Baltic came ; A fliip of lefs tremendous force Sail'd by her fide the felf-fame courfe, Countefs of Scarb'ro' was her... | |
 | William McCarty - 1842 - 528 pages
...British ship of war Serapis, of forty-four guns, under the command of Captain Pearson. BY PHILIP FRENEAU. A ship of less tremendous force Sail'd by her side the selfsame course — Countess of Scarborough was her name. And now their native coasts appear Britannia's hills their summits rear Above... | |
 | William McCarty - National songs - 1842 - 484 pages
...British ship of war Serapis, of forty-four guns, under the command of Captain Pearson. BY PHILIP FRENEAU. A ship of less tremendous force Sail'd by her side the selfsame course — Countess of Scarborough was her name. And now their native coasts appear Britannia's hills their summits rear Above... | |
 | William McCarty - National songs - 1842 - 484 pages
...British ship of war Serapis, of forty-four guns, under the command of Captain Pearson. BY PHILIP FRENEAU. O'ER the rough main, with flowing sheet, The guardian of a numerous fleet, Serapis from the Baltic came ; A ship of less tremendous force Sail'd by her side the selfsame course... | |
 | Evert Augustus Duyckinck - 1855 - 718 pages
...Paid Janeé of the- Bon Jfoinme Richard, over Uie Scrapht, under thé command of Captain J'eartttm, O'er the rough main, with flowing sheet, The guardian...tremendous force Sail'd by her side the self-same coime, Countess ¡if Scarb'ro' was her name. And now their native coast« appear, Britannia's hills... | |
 | Evert Augustus Duyckinck, George Long Duyckinck - American literature - 1856 - 704 pages
...Captain Pearson. O'er the rough main, with flowing sheet, The guardian of a numerous fleet, Beraphit from the Baltic came : A ship of less tremendous force...along the shore, Thy waters, gentle Thames, to gain. Fnll forty guns Seraph is bore, And Scarb'ro's Countess twenty -four, Mann'd with Old England's boldest... | |
 | Philip Morin Freneau - United States - 1861 - 394 pages
...RICHARD," OVER THE " 8ERAPH18," ETC. UNDER THE COMMAND OF CAPTAIN PEAR8ON. WRITTEN AUGUST, 1781. 1. O'ER the rough main with flowing sheet The guardian...self-same course, Countess of Scarb'ro' was her name. 2. And now their native coasts appear, Britannia's hills their summits rear Above the German main ;... | |
 | Philip Morin Freneau, Evert Augustus Duyckinck - United States - 1865 - 344 pages
...Richard, over the Seraphis, under the command of Captain PEARSON.* the rough main,-with flowing flieet, The guardian of a numerous fleet, Seraphis from the Baltic came ; A {hip of lefs tremendous force Sail'd by her fide the felf-fame courfe, Countefs of Scarb'ro' was her... | |
 | Evert Augustus Duyckinck - 1866 - 714 pages
...Paul Jene* of thf Bon Homm? /iu-httrtf, otrr the Aero/fíe, under the command of Captain J^earnon, O'er the rough main, with flowing sheet, The guardian of a numerous fleet, Beranhii from the Baltic came : A ship of less tremendous force Sail'd by her side the self-same course,... | |
 | Philip Morin Freneau - United States - 1902 - 436 pages
...Good Man Ricfutrd, over the Seraphis, etc., under the command of Captain Pearson. Written August, 1781 O'er the rough main with flowing sheet The guardian...self-same course, Countess of Scarb'ro was her name. 1This period began in August, 1781, when Freneau became connected with Mr. Francis Bailey's Freeman's... | |
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