THE Parliamentary Register; OR HISTORY OF THЕ PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE HOUSE OF COMMONS; CONTAINING AN ACCOUNT OF The most interesting SPEECHES and MOTIONS; accurate DURING THE SIXTH SESSION of the SEVENTEENTH PARLIAMENT OF GREAT BRITAIN. VOL. XLIII. LONDON: Printed for J. DEBRETT, opposite BURLINGTON HOUSE, PICCADILLY. THE HISTORY OF THE PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE HOUSE OF COMMONS, In the SIXTH SESSION of the Seventeenth Parliament of GREAT BRITAIN, Appointed to be holden at WESTMINSTER, On THURSDAY, the 25th of OCTOBER, 1790. Thursday, 29th October. delivered by Sir Francis A Mr. Speaker, The King commands this honourable House to attend His Majesty immediately in the House of Peers. Accordingly, Mr. Speaker, with the House, went up to attend His Majesty; and being returned, Mr. SPEAKER acquainted the House, that in pursuance of the directions of an act of the 24th of his present Majesty, he had issued his warrants, during the recefs, to the Clerk of the Crown, to make out new writs for the election of feveral Members to ferve in Parliament. A bill for the more effectual preventing Clandestine Outlawries, Was read the first time. Refolved, That this bill be read a fecond time. VOL. XLIII. B |