MESSAGE TO THE SENATE; CONCERNING A TREATY WITH THE CREEK INDIANS. JUNE 25TH, 1795. Just at the close of the last session of Congress, I received, from one of the senators and one of the representatives of the State of Georgia, an application for a treaty to be held with the tribes or nations of Indians claiming the right of soil to certain lands lying beyond the present temporary boundary line of that State, and which were described in an act of the legislature of Georgia, passed on the 28th of December last, which has already been laid before the Senate. This application, and the subsequent correspondence with the governor of Georgia, are herewith transmitted. The subject being very important, I thought proper to postpone a decision upon that application. The views I have since taken of the matter, with the information received of a more pacific disposition on the part of the Creeks, have induced me now to accede to the request; but with this explicit declaration, that neither my assent, nor the treaty which may be made, shall be considered as affecting any question which may arise upon the supplementary act passed by the legislature of the State of Georgia on the 7th of January last, upon which inquiries have been instituted, in pursuance of a resolution of the Senate and House of Representatives; and that any cession or relinquishment of the Indian claims shall be made in the general terms of the treaty of New York, which are contemplated as the form proper to be generally used on such occasions; and on the condition that one half of the expense of the supplies of provisions, for the Indians assembled at the treaty, be borne by the State of Georgia. Having concluded to hold the treaty requested by that State, I was willing to embrace the opportunity it would present, of inquiring into the causes of the dissatisfaction of the Creeks which has been manifested, since the treaty of New York, by the numerous and distressing depredations on our southwestern frontiers. Their depredations on the Cumberland have been so frequent and so peculiarly destructive, as to lead me to think they must originate in some claim to the lands upon that river. But, whatever may have 'been the cause, it is important to trace it to its source; for, independent of the destruction of lives and property, it occasions a very serious annual expense to the United States. The commissioners for holding the proposed treaty will, therefore, be instructed to inquire into the causes of the hostilities to which I have referred, and to enter into such reasonable stipulations, as will remove them, and give permanent peace 'to those parts of the United States. GEORGE WASHINGTON. MESSAGE TO BOTH HOUSES OF CONGRESS; ON THE PRESENTATION OF THE COLORS OF THE FRENCH REPUBLIC. JANUARY 4TH, 1796. A letter from the minister plenipotentiary of the French Republic, received on the 22d of last month, covered an address, dated the 21st of October, 1794, from the Committee of Public Safety to the Representatives of the United States in Congress; and also informed me, that he was instructed by the Committee to present to the United States the colors of France. I thereupon proposed to receive them last Friday, the first day of the new year, a day of general joy and congratulation. On that day the minister of the French republic delivered the colors, with an address, to which I returned an answer. By the latter, the House will see, that I have informed the minister, that the colors will be deposited with the archives of the United States. But it seemed to me proper, previously, to exhibit to the two Houses of Congress these evidences of the continued friendship of the French Republic, together with the sentiments expressed by me on the occasion in behalf of the United States. They are herewith communicated. GEORGE WASHINGTON. MESSAGE TO BOTH HOUSES OF CONGRESS; ON THE PROGRESS MADE IN ERECTING PUBLIC BUILDINGS AT THE PERMANENT SEAT OF GOVERNMENT. JANUARY 8TH, 1796. I transmit to you a memorial of the commissioners, appointed by virtue of an act entitled "An act for establishing the temporary and permanent seat of the government of the United States," on the subject of the public buildings under their direction. Since locating a district for the permanent seat of the government of the United States, as heretofore announced to both houses of Congress, I have accepted the grants of money and of land, stated in the memorial of the commissioners. I have directed the buildings therein mentioned to be commenced on plans, which I deemed consistent with the liberality of the grants, and proper for the purposes intended. I have not been inattentive to this important business intrusted by the legislature to my care. I have viewed the resources placed in my hands, and observed the manner in which they have been applied; the progress is pretty fully detailed in the memorial from the commissioners, and one of them intends to give further information, if required. In a case, new and arduous, like the present, difficulties might naturally be expected; some have occurred, but they are, in a great degree surmounted; and I have no doubt, if the remaining resources are properly cherished, so as to prevent the loss of property by hasty and numerous sales, that all the buildings required for the accommodation of the government of the United States may be completed in season without aid from the federal treasury. The subject is, therefore, recommended to the consideration of Congress, and the result will determine the measures which I shall cause to be pursued with respect to the property remaining unsold. GEORGE WASHINGTON. MESSAGE TO THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, ASSIGNING HIS REASONS FOR NOT COMPLYING WITH THEIR RESOLUTION OF THE 24TH INSTANT, REQUESTING "A COPY OF THE INSTRUCTIONS CORRESPONDENCE, AND OTHER DOCUMENTS RELATIVE TO THE TREATY LATELY CONCLUDED BETWEEN THE UNITED STATES AND GREAT BRITAIN." GENTLEMEN OF THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, With the utmost attention I have considered your resolution of the 24th instant, requesting me to lay before your House a copy of the instructions to the minister of the United States, who negotiated the treaty with the King of Great Britain, together with the correspondence and other documents relative to that treaty, excepting such of the said papers as any existing negotiation may render improper to be disclosed. In deliberating upon this subject, it was impossible for me to lose sight of the principle, which some have avowed in its discussion, or to avoid extending my views to the consequences, which must flow from the admission of that principle. I trust that no part of my conduct has ever indicated a disposition to withhold any information which the constitution has enjoined upon the President as a |