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the purest emotions of gratitude, demonstrated in an active devotion to that republican government, which is deservedly the first object of their political attach


In looking forward to that awful moment, when I must bid adieu to sublunary scenes, I anticipate the consolation of leaving our country in a prosperous condition; and, while the curtain of separation shall be drawing, my last breath will, I trust, expire in a prayer for the temporal and eternal felicity of those, who have not only endeavoured to gild the evening of my days with unclouded serenity, but extended their desires to my happiness hereafter in a brighter world.



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Although it is easier for you to conceive, than for me to explain, the pleasing sensations, which have been excited in my breast by your congratulations on my appointment to the head of this rising republic; yet I must take the liberty to thank you sincerely for the polite manner, in which you felicitate our countrymen, and testify your regard to me on this occasion.

In addition to that reward for your sufferings and services, which arises from the consciousness of having done your duty, you have erected monuments more

expressive of your merits, than even the universal applause of your country, in the establishment of her independence and sovereignty; nor should any possible circumstances of poverty or adversity compel you to give up that sweet satisfaction for the part you have acted, which ought to attend you, as well through the vicissitudes of life, as in the moment of dissolution.

The candor of your fellow-citizens acknowledges the patriotism of your conduct in peace, as their gratitude has declared their obligations for your fortitude and perseverance in war. A knowledge, that they now do justice to the purity of your intentions, ought to be your highest consolation, as the fact is demonstrative of your greatest glory.

The object, for which your gallantry encountered every danger, and your virtue sustained unparalleled difficulties, has happily been attained. A government, promising protection and prosperity to the people of the United States, is established; and its operations hitherto have been such, as to justify the most sanguine hopes of success. It was naturally to be expected, that lives, which had long since been devoted on the altar of freedom, could never be offered at the shrine of anarchy or despotism; and the offer, which you make, of the residue of those lives to support the administration of this government, is not less a proof of its excellence, than an encouragement for those concerned in its execution to use their best endeavours to make it a source of permanent blessings to their country.

Whatever titles my military services may have given me to the regard of my country, they are principally corroborated by the firm support of my brave and faithful associates in the field; and, if any considera

tion is to be attributed to the successful exercise of my civil duties, it proceeds in a great measure from the wisdom of the laws, and the facility which the disposition of my fellow-citizens has given to their ad


To the most affectionate wishes for your temporal happiness, I add a fervent prayer for your eternal felicity.




MAY, 1790.


I thank you, with great sincerity, for your congratulations on my appointment to the office, which I have the honor to hold by the unanimous choice of my fellow-citizens; and especially for the expressions, which you are pleased to use in testifying the confidence, that is reposed in me by your congregation.

As the delay, which has naturally intervened be tween my election and your address, has afforded an opportunity for appreciating the merits of the federal government, and for communicating your sentiments of its administration, I have rather to express my satisfaction, than regret, at a circumstance, which demonstrates (upon experiment) your attachment to the former, as well as approbation of the latter.

I rejoice, that a spirit of liberality and philanthropy is much more prevalent than it formerly was among the enlightened nations of the earth, and that your brethren will benefit thereby in proportion as it shall





become still more extensive. Happily, the people of the United States of America have, in many instances, exhibited examples worthy of imitation, the salutary influence of which will doubtless extend much farther, if, gratefully enjoying those blessings of peace, which, under the favor of Heaven, have been obtained by fortitude in war, they shall conduct themselves with reverence to the Deity, and charity towards their fellow-creatures.

May the same wonder-working Deity, who long since delivered the Hebrews from their Egyptian oppressors, and planted them in the promised land, whose providential agency has lately been conspicuous in establishing these United States as an independent nation, still continue to water them with the dews of Heaven, and to make the inhabitants of every denomination participate in the temporal and spiritual blessings of that people, whose God is Jehovah.




The congratulatory address of the people of the State of South Carolina, on my election to the office of President of the United States, expressed in such forcible and endearing terms, affects me with the liveliest emotions of satisfaction, and induces me to request their acceptance of my sincerest acknowledg


Flattering as it may be to find the extraordinary unanimity of the people of the United States in

placing me at the head of their federal republic, I am still more pleased with a recollection of the manly conduct on their part, which, in the issue of an arduous struggle, put them into a condition to enjoy the blessings of a free government. It was owing to their steady and strenuous support, with the smiles of a gracious Providence, that I did not sink under the oppression I felt from a diffidence in my abilities to conduct their military operations. It was a distressing consideration, that so good a cause might be endangered by a single false step on the part of their general; but in such a cause, although surrounded with difficulties and dangers on every side, and in the midst of dark and gloomy prospects, it would have argued the most infamous pusillanimity to despair of the commonwealth. Seconded by such a body of yeomanry, as repaired to the standard of liberty, fighting in their own native land, fighting for all that freemen hold dear, and whose docility soon supplied the place of discipline, it was scarcely in human nature, under its worst character, to abandon them in their misfortunes; nor is it for me to claim any singular title to merit for having shared in a common danger, and triumphed with them, after a series of the severest toil and most accumulated distress, over a formidable foe.

The value of liberty was thus enhanced in our estimation by the difficulty of its attainment, and the worth of characters appreciated by the trial of adversity. The tempest of war having at length been succeeded by the sunshine of peace, our citizensoldiers impressed a useful lesson of patriotism on mankind, by nobly returning with impaired constitutions and unsatisfied claims, after such long sufferings and severe disappointments, to their former occupations.

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