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which special days are designated by constitution or statute. Thirty-two days are so designated by the various states. 21 The days included here are not vacation days, but are days in which the schools have special instruction and exercises appropriate to the occasion. The day most often mentioned is Arbor Day, which is required to be observed by twenty-two states. 22 Eleven states require special instruction on Washington Day. 23 Ten states stipulate that Frances Willard Day be observed by special instruction. 24 Ten states require special instruction and exercises on Lincoln Day. 25 Required special instruction on other days varies from the observance of State Day by nine states 26 to the prescribed instruction appropriate for Uncle Remus Day which is observed only in Georgia.

Many subjects of instruction are also offered in modern public secondary schools under the general powers conferred upon school boards to maintain free public schools, in addition to those subjects required or specifically permitted by statute. A study of current curricular offerings of public secondary schools indicates that more than seven hundred different subjects are now taught in the day and evening public secondary schools. 27 A comparison of the present Boston public high school curricula with the curriculum of 1821 shows that the original twenty-five different subjects have increased to ninety-five subjects grouped in thirteen distinct curricula.

Key Code VI and Summary Chart VI indicate in summarized form the subjects of instruction, and other prescriptions relative to public secondary curricula that are stipulated in state constitutions and statutes.

21 See key code VII, post

22 See key number 1185, Summary Chart VII, post 23 See key number 1215, Summary Chart VII, post 24 See key number 1216, Summary Chart VII, post 25 See key number 1199, Summary Chart VII, post 28 See key number 1210, Summary Chart VII, post

27 Sixteenth Annual Report, Education Department, State of New York, 1922, pp. 34-36. Document No. 9, Boston Public Schools, 1923. Sixth Annual Report of the State Board of Education, State of California 1924, pp. 180-182. Directory of Public Secondary Schools in California, 1924-25. U. S. Bureau of Education Bulletin 1923, pp. 17-19. "The Junior College," 1924, L. V. Koos, Vol. I, Chapter III.

[blocks in formation]

1088 Accident prevention, safe- 1119 English language, must be

ty instruction (5)*

1089 Agriculture (19)*

1090 Alcoholic temperance (29)* 1091 Algebra (3)*

1092 American democracy (1)* 1093 American government (4)* 1094 American literature (3)*

1095 Americanization (2)*

1096 Anatomy (1)*

1097 Animal husbandry (1)*

1098 Arithmetic (14)*

1099 Arithmetic, commer

cial (1)*

1100 Biology (1)*

1101 Bookkeeping (4)* 1102 Chemistry (1)*

1103 Citizenship or civics (25)* 1104 Commercial branches (3)* 1105 Composition (5)*

1106 Constitution, State (10)* 1107 Constitution, U. S. (22)* 1108 Cotton grading (1)*

1109 Course of study to be prescribed or approved by County school authorities (10)*

1110 Course of study to be prescribed or approved by local school authorities (17)* 1111 Course of study to be prescribed or approved by State Department of Education (46)*

1112 Domestic Science (7)* 1113 Drawing (7)*

1114 Drawing, mechanical (1)* 1115 Economics (3)

1116 English for foreigners (3)* 1117 English for illiterates (2)* 1118 English language, must be

taught in schools (7th and 8th grades) (26)*

1120 English literature (4)*

1121 Evolution, instruction pro

hibited (1)*

1122 Farm life studies for ad

ults (1)*

1123 Fire prevention or fire

drills (22)*

1124 First aid (1)*

1125 Foreign languages (3)*

1126 Forestry (2)*

1127 Geography (16)*

1128 Geography,



1129 Geography, physical (1)* 1130 Geometry (2)*

1131 Grammar and language,


1132 History, ancient, medieval, modern (1)* 1133 History, industrial (2)* 1134 History, state (10)* 1135 History, United States of

America (32)*

1136 Home and Farm Accounting, economics (4)* 1137 Home making (2)* 1138 Horticulture (2)* 1139 Household arts, home eco

nomics (7)*

1140 Household decoration (1)* 1141 Household management

(2)* 1142 Humane treatment (animals) (11)*

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taught in schools (above
8th grade) (11)*

* The figures in parentheses indicate the number of states having this provision. * The year following the name of the state indicates the date of the school laws used in this summary.

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• The year following the name of the state indicates the date of the school laws used in this summary

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2 12 14

1 210 32422712 11 34 *The year following the name of the state indicates the date of the school laws used in this summary. 1 Prevention of Tuberculosis


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Courses of Instruction Required by Law

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