MEMBERSHIP All who are interested in the welfare of Catholic educational work are invited to become members of the Catholic Educational Association. It is the desire of the Executive Board that the membership be increased so that the organization may represent a powerful influence in favor of religious education in America, and, also, that the Association may be provided with adequate funds for the support of its activities. The funds for the support of the Association are derived from the following sources: Sustaining Membership Any one desiring to give special aid to the Association may become a sustaining member. The annual fee for such membership is $10.00. Seminary Dues Each Seminary in the Seminary Department pays an anuual fee of $20.00. College Dues Each College in the College Department pays an annual fee of $10.00, High School and Academic Dues High Schools and Academies are requested to pay an annual fee of $5.00. Parish School Dues Priests, teachers and laymen may become members of this Department. A parish school may be enrolled as a member. The annual fee is $2.00. General Membership Any one interested in the work of Catholic education may become a member of the Association. The annual fee is $2.00. Donations Special donations are received from time to time from those who wish to help in the work. The Annual Report and current publications of this Association are sent to all members. Information in regard to the Association may be obtained from the Secretaries of the Departments or from the Secretary General. Remittances outside of the time of the convention should be sent to the office of the Secretary General. Checks should be made payable to the Catholic Educational Association. Address of the Secretary General: REV. FRANCIS W. HOWARD, 1651 East Main St., Columbus, Ohio. ANNUAL INDIVIDUAL MEMBERSHIP FEE IN THE ASSOCIATION. $2.00 Office of the Secretary General, 1651 East Main Street. Columbus, Ohio Entered as second-class mail matter Nov. 16. 1907, under the Act of Congress of Acceptance for mailing at special rate of postage provided for in Section 1108 |