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L. & A. Staniels for timber for roof

Sundry bills for ropes, nails, machinery for hoisting,

104 27

339 23

38 98


324 59

Sundry bills labor, board, trucking, &c.

1949 85

oxen, &c.

Sundry small bills for timber

Sundry bills labor, materials for pickets and clearing

Work done by State Prison and charged on Prison book 3021 41

[blocks in formation]

B. & C. boating company for 8 casks of lime J. C. Tuttle for trucking sand, lime, doors, &c. sundry persons for timber and framing roof

16 00

55 00

70 00

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Expenditures exceed the appropriation

$2225 87 3021 41 7364 43

$12611 71

7000 00

66 00 212

$7068 12 $5543 59

I certify the foregoing to be a correct statement of the expenses and disbursements for the new Prison, and the amount of appropriations received from the State therefor to Nov. 9, 1832.

ABNER P. STINSON, Superintendent.

Estimate of money wanted to finish the new Prison. Amount expended exceeding the appropriation, as given to the

committee, Oct. 25, 1832

Iron bed frames for 120 cells, hinges, bolts, &c. at $5 00
One iron door for entry, 1 wood door cased with iron,

and locks

Grating for 20 doors yet to be altered
Fixing locks to doors, 3s each-120 doors

Grating for boiler, oven and furnace doors, boilers, stoves

and funnel for warming chapel and prison Amount of labor and materials furnished by smith and stone shop since the 25th October To finish the chapel, guard room, arsenal, &c.

5543 12

600 00

53 00

30 00

60 00

250 00

614 97

200 00

Plank for stairs and platforms in front of cells and build

ing same, and railing for the above

150 00

Window frames, sash, glass, putty and setting

105 00

Lime used since Oct. 25, and wanting to finish the build

ing 100 casks

200 00

Bricks used and to be used 86000, and sand

352 00

To finish ventilators, chimneys, pointing building, white

washing, &c.

200 00

For mason work since Oct. 25, $277 00, and wanting to

finish $175 00

452 00

For labor of prisoners carrying brick, mortar and stone

185 00

for chimney tops, clearing up building, &c. Iron straps, bolts, spikes, rods, rivets, bars, nails, &c. about 35 00 Amount due sundry persons for lumber, nails, shingles,

labor, &c. about

235 00

$9265 09

The above is as nigh as we can estimate on the expense of the materials and labor, which has not already been ascertained; the most of it is correct to a dollar. Very respectfully,

A. P. STINSON, Superintendent.

Statement of the amount of cash drawn from the State Treasury,

for the State Prison.

200,00 Trueworthy G. Dearborn, Warden.

1812 Dec. cash

1813 April do



July do

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Aug. do

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Dec. do

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1814 Feb. do

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April do

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June do

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1815 July do

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Aug. do

[blocks in formation]

Dec. do

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1816 Aug. do

[blocks in formation]

Oct. do

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Nov. do

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Dec. do

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1819 Feb. do

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March do

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July do

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Och do

[blocks in formation]

Dec. do

[blocks in formation]

1818 Feb. do


April do


do do

$19700 00-Total drawn by T. G. Dearborn.

[blocks in formation]

$7215,34-Total drawn by Moses C. Pilsbury.

Paid into the Treasury by


[blocks in formation]

do do

[blocks in formation]

Aug. do

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$3000,00-Total drawn by A. P. Stinson.

Paid into the Treasury, by A. P. Stinson, $600,00.

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