7.223 1332 THE NORTH AMERICAN REVIEW VOL. CCXXIII Tros Tyriusque mihi nullo discrimine agetur NEW YORK 1926//927 Copyright, 1926, by NORTH AMERICAN REVIEW CORPORATION All Rights Reserved 2 TO THE V.22WO HUNDRED AND TWENTY-THIRD VOLUME Books Reviewed.-157-192; 353-384; 534-560; BRAWLEY, BENJAMIN. Books Reviewed, 704. Briand as Peacemaker of Europe, 1. Britain, The Industrial Situation in, 400. British Comment (Refers to The Plight of BROWN, REV. WILLIAM ADAMS, D.D. After BROWN, ROSCOE C. E. Books Reviewed, 353; Bunyan's, John, Hypocrisy, 323. Business, Why Women Fail in, 638. Calabria, A Scholar of, 664. CANNON, CORNELIA JAMES. The New Leisure, Case of Hungary's War Guilt, The, 487. CASTANEDA, CARLOS E. The First Pan-Amer- Catholics and the Ku Klux Klan, 268. Cayuse, My Kingdom for a, 456. CHEW, SAMUEL C. Books Reviewed, 690. CHEYDLEUR, F. D. Maurice Barres: Author and China, Nationalism and the Vernacular in, 311. Clouds in the Franco-American Sky, 583. Congress, The First Pan-American, 248. CONKLING, GRACE HAZARD. A Sonnet Letter, 622. CUTTING, ELISABETH. Books Reviewed, 357. DESMOND, SHAW. Prussianizing America, 256. DOWNES, WILLIAM HOWE. Books Reviewed, 173. Economic Sanity in Europe, 575. Editor, The:-Aristides The Second, 1; Briand as Peacemaker of Europe, 1; "The Hon. Mussolini", 209; Uncle Shylock Looks Abroad, "ENGINEER":-Murder on the Rails, 433. "England, The Plight of": A Reply, 68. Europe, Economic Sanity in, 575. EVANS, HIRAM WESLEY. The Klan's Fight For 11-208-66 lated HARVEY, GEORGE: -Aristides The Second, 1; Briand as Peacemaker of Europe, 1; "The Hon. Mussolini", 209; Uncle Shylock Looks Abroad, 385; Maxims for 1928, 563. HAWTHORNE, FRED. Commercialization of HOSE, REGINALD E. Control of the Liquor Hungary's War Guilt, The Case of, 487. Industrial Situation in Britain, The, 400. INGLIS, W. O. Books Reviewed, 190. Irish Free State, What of the? 606. Irresponsible Power of Realism, The, 131. I Saw A Thought, 98. Jefferson, Adams and: 1826-1926, 234. JOHNSON, BURGES. My Kingdom for a Cayuse, Murder on the Rails, 433. "Mussolini, The Hon.", 209. My Babies Asleep, 101. MYERS, WILLIAM STARR. The Ku Klux Klan of Today, 304. M., W. B. Foreword, 561.. Nationalism and the Vernacular in China, 311. New Leisure, The, 498. Nocturne, 310. O'CONNOR, SIR JAMES. What of the Irish Free Pan-American Congress, The First, 248. Pity the Great, 510. Philosophy of Composition, Poe's, 675. Great, 510; A Sonnet Letter, 622. POTTER, MARY SARGENT. Words, 531. PRICE, THEODORE H. Should We Restrict the Cotton Crop? 590. Prussianizing America, 256. PUTNAM, H. PHELPS. Sonnet, 507. PUTNAM, MRS. WILLIAM LOWELL. Our Garden, 466. Rails, Murder on the, 433. Real Estate Agent's Tale, The, 345. Realism, The Irresponsible Power of, 131. Reduction of Armaments, The, 216. Resemblances, 508. RILEY, WOODBRIDGE. Books Reviewed, 707. RODGERS, JOHN T. Books Reviewed, 375. ROOSEVELT, NICHOLAS. Books Reviewed, 685 SASSOON, SIEGFRIED. The Meritritzky Concerto, 145. Scholar of Calabria, A, 664. SCOTT, REV. MARTIN J., S.J. Ku Klux Klan, 268. SEDGWICK, JOHN HUNTER. 182; 548. Catholics and the Books Reviewed, Shape of Fear, The, 291. SHERRILL, HON. CHARLES E. The White Man's Burden, 64. Sheridan-Whom the Gods Loved, 645. Short, William; Jefferson's Only "Son", 471. Should We Restrict the Cotton Crop? 590. Shylock, Uncle, Looks Abroad, 385. SILVERMAN, REV. DR. JOSEPH. The Ku Klux SKINNER, CONSTANCE LINDSAY. Books Re- SLAUGHTER, GERTRUDE. A Scholar of Calabria, 664. Sonnet Letter, A, 622. Sonnet, 507. STANFORD, ALFRED. Evariste: An Image, 116. Stevens, John, 440. Sunday Races, 521. Tennis, Commercialization of, 614. TURNBULL, ARCHIBALD D. John Stevens, 440. Uncle Shylock Looks Abroad, 385. WAGENKENCHT, EDWARD. Books Reviewed, War Guilt, The Case of Hungary's, 487. White Man's Burden, The, 64. WHITRIDGE, ARNOLD. Charles Maurras, 333. WILSON, JAMES S. Poe's Philosophy of Compo- WILSON, PHILIP WHITWELL. Books Reviewed, WINSLOW, ANNE GOODWIN. Cadenza, 97. rope, 575. Women Fail in Business, Why, 638. Words, 531. WYATT, EDITH FRANKLIN. Books Reviewed, YOUNG, STARK. Sunday Races, 521. |