Pennsylvania Archives1854 - History A collection of documents supplementing the companion series known as "Colonial records," which contain the Minutes of the Provincial council, of the Council of safety, and of the Supreme executive council of Pennsylvania. |
From inside the book
Results 1-5 of 83
Page 4
... Connecticut , Therefore Resolved , That it be recommended to the Supreme Executive Council to take all necessary and expeditious measures for the con- sideration and determination of the said ' dispute agreeable to the ninth Article of ...
... Connecticut , Therefore Resolved , That it be recommended to the Supreme Executive Council to take all necessary and expeditious measures for the con- sideration and determination of the said ' dispute agreeable to the ninth Article of ...
Page 25
... Connecticut , where they can be more conveniently quartered than at present . The Non - commissioned Officers and privates , are to remain at Frederick Town in Maryland , and be closely confined . But if there are any other places of ...
... Connecticut , where they can be more conveniently quartered than at present . The Non - commissioned Officers and privates , are to remain at Frederick Town in Maryland , and be closely confined . But if there are any other places of ...
Page 121
... Connecticut were thrust in upon them , ( to use the remonstrants own word ) when that regiment was allotted to the state of New York . After the regiments of Cavalry and Artillery had been , by the resolve of the 3d of October last ...
... Connecticut were thrust in upon them , ( to use the remonstrants own word ) when that regiment was allotted to the state of New York . After the regiments of Cavalry and Artillery had been , by the resolve of the 3d of October last ...
Page 210
... Connecticut which I have in the Corps have received their depreciation some time ago , and I do not suppose there will be any difficulty for the men draughted from the Pensil- vania line , but there are two others who have only inlisted ...
... Connecticut which I have in the Corps have received their depreciation some time ago , and I do not suppose there will be any difficulty for the men draughted from the Pensil- vania line , but there are two others who have only inlisted ...
Page 225
... Connecticut , and requested me to provide a Guard to escort them to Eastown . But on their arrival here , Orders arrived from the Board of War that they should remain in Pennsyl vania , and those now here were ordered by Colo ...
... Connecticut , and requested me to provide a Guard to escort them to Eastown . But on their arrival here , Orders arrived from the Board of War that they should remain in Pennsyl vania , and those now here were ordered by Colo ...
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Common terms and phrases
Agents agreeable appointed Army Assembly beg leave Board Business Capt Captain Certificates Chester County Command Commissioners Connecticut County Court Delaware Directed duty Enemy Esqr Esquire Esteem Excell'y Excellency Joseph Reed Excellency the President Excellency's most obedient Expence favour Fort Pitt Frontiers Genl Gentlemen give Guard Hbble Honble honor hope House humble Servant inclosed Indians Indorsed inform Inhabitants Inst James John John Dickinson JOHN VAN CAMPEN July Lancaster Lancaster County Lands Letter Lieut Lieutenant March MATLACK Militia MORRIS necessary Obed obedt Officers opinion Penn Pennsylvania persons Philad Philadelphia PRES present Prisoners procure proper Provisions purchase received recruiting Regiment request Resolution Resolved Respect River ROBERT MORRIS SAMUEL STERETT Sec'y sent Service Servt supply Supreme Executive Council Taxes Town Treasury Troops Virginia waggon War Office Washington County Westmoreland County William Moore York
Popular passages
Page 679 - Congress, to the legislative or executive authority of the other State in controversy, and a day assigned for the appearance of the parties by their lawful agents, who shall then be directed to appoint, by joint consent, commissioners or judges to constitute a court for hearing and determining the matter in question...
Page 567 - The united states in congress assembled shall also be the last resort on appeal in all disputes and differences now subsisting or that hereafter may arise between two or more states concerning boundary, jurisdiction or any other cause whatever; which authority shall always be exercised in the manner following.
Page 167 - And the articles of this confederation shall be inviolably observed by every State, and the Union shall be perpetual; nor shall any alteration at any time hereafter be made in any of them; unless such alteration be agreed to in a Congress of the United States, and be afterwards confirmed by the Legislatures of every State.
Page 703 - Bay, where the said river falleth into the sea; and on the north by the line of the Massachusetts plantation; and on the south by the sea; and in longitude as the line of the Massachusetts colony, running from east to west, that is to say, from the said Narraganset Bay on the east, to the south sea on the west part, with the islands thereunto adjoining...
Page 712 - ... to be determined by a meridian line to be drawn from the head of the said river, unto the said forty-third degree.
Page 471 - States : and also to make, have, and use, a common seal, and the same to break, alter, and renew, at their pleasure...
Page 167 - ... fitted out for that occasion, and kept so long as the danger shall continue, or until the united states in congress assembled shall determine otherwise.
Page 701 - Breadth; and in Length, •and Longitude, of and within all the Breadth afore'said, throughout the main Lands there, from the 'Atlantic and western Sea and Ocean on the East • Part, to the South Sea on the West Part...
Page 700 - Name of the Council Established at Plymouth in the County of Devon, for the Planting, Ruling, Ordering and Governing of New England in America...
Page 167 - The United States in Congress assembled shall also have the sole and exclusive right and power of regulating the alloy and value of coin struck by their own authority, or by that of the respective states; fixing the standard of weights and measures throughout the United States...