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" The power of the State to compel attendance at some school and to make reasonable regulations for all schools, including a requirement that they shall give instructions in English, is not questioned. Nor has challenge been made of the State's power to... "
The Roman Catholic Church in the Modern State - Page 262
by Charles Clinton Marshall - 1928 - 350 pages
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American Law Reports Annotated, Volume 39

Law reports, digests, etc - 1925 - 1640 pages
...shall give instructions in English," was not questioned, and that no challenge was made in the case of the state's power to prescribe a curriculum for institutions which it supports, those matters not being within the controversy in the case at bar, is also of a very present interest. "No one,"...
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The Survey, Volume 54

Charities - 1925 - 674 pages
...attendance at some school," he said, "and to make reasonable regulations fo-r all schools, including the requirement that they shall give instruction in English,...a curriculum for institutions which it supports." If in time the determination of the constitutionality of the Tennessee law is brought before the Supreme...
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Illinois Law Review, Volume 18

Law - 1924 - 594 pages
...domestic tranquility has been shown. "The power of the state to compel attendance at some school and to make reasonable regulations for all schools, including a requirement that they shall give instructions in English, is not questioned. Nor has challenge been made of the state's power to prescribe...
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American law reports annotated, Volume 39

1925 - 1646 pages
...shall give instructions in English," was not questioned, and that no challenge was made in the case of the state's power to prescribe a curriculum for institutions which it supports, those matters not being within the controversy in the case at bar, is also of a very present interest. "No one,"...
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United States. Congress. Senate. Committee on Labor and Public Welfare - 1970 - 1258 pages
...domestic tranqulllty has been shown. The power of the state to compel attendance at some school and to make reasonable regulations for all schools, Including a requirement that they shall give Instructions In English, la not questioned. Nor has challenge been made of the state's power to prescribe...
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Emergency School Aid Act of 1970: Hearings, Ninety-first Congress, Second ...

United States. Congress. Senate. Committee on Labor and Public Welfare. Subcommittee on Education - Discrimination in education - 1970 - 674 pages
...domestic tranquillty has been shown. The power of the state to compel attendance at some school and to make reasonable regulations for all schools, Including a requirement that they shall give Instructions in English, Is not questioned. Nor has challenge been made of the state's power to prescribe...
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The English-only Question: An Official Language for Americans?

Dennis E. Baron - Political Science - 1990 - 260 pages
...English could be required in schools: "The power of the state to compel attendance at some school and to make reasonable regulations for all schools, including a requirement that they shall give instructions in English, is not questioned." Moreover, McReynolds rejected the argument that the ban...
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Language Loyalties: A Source Book on the Official English Controversy

James Crawford - Education - 1992 - 532 pages
...domestic tranquility has been shown. The power of the state to compel attendance at some school and to make reasonable regulations for all schools, including a requirement that they shall give instructions in English, is not questioned. Nor has challenge been made of the state's power to prescribe...
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Forging New Freedoms: Nativism, Education, and the Constitution, 1917-1927

William G. Ross - Law - 1994 - 304 pages
...that public schools could prohibit the teaching of German, the Court stated that no one had challenged the "state's power to prescribe a curriculum for institutions which it supports" and this issue was not under adjudication. 56 In a letter to Professor George Fox of Yale, Taft confirmed...
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Nativism Reborn?: The Official English Language Movement and the American States

Raymond Tatalovich - Language Arts & Disciplines - 342 pages English, however, the Court said: "The power of the State to compel attendance at some school and to make reasonable regulations for all schools, including a requirement that they shall give instructions in English, is not questioned. Nor has challenge been made of the State's power to prescribe...
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