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" ... the privilege of remaining and continuing their trade so long as they behave peaceably, and commit no offence against the laws ; and in case their conduct should render them suspected, and the respective governments should think proper to order them... "
The Parliamentary Register: Or, History of the Proceedings and Debates of ... - Page 104
by Great Britain. Parliament - 1796
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A Collection of the Acts Passed in the Parliament of Great Britain and Other ...

Québec (Province) - Law - 1800 - 444 pages
...publication de ГогConduit fhould render tliçm fufpecled, and the rcfpeftive Governments flioulJ ihuik proper to order them to remove, the Term of Twelve Months, from the Publication of the Order, ihall be allowed them for that Purpofe, to remove with their Families, Effects and Property; but this...
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Recueil de traités d'alliance, de paix, de trève, de neutralité ..., Volume 6

Georg Friedrich Martens - Europe - 1800 - 832 pages
...conduft ftiould r'ender them fufpefted , and the refpeftive Governments fhould think proper to prder them to remove; the term of twelve months, from the publication of the order, fhall be allowed them for that purpofe, to remove with their families, elTefts, and property, but this...
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An Abridgement of the Laws of the United States: Or, A Complete Digest of ...

William Graydon - Law - 1803 - 730 pages
...laws; and in case their conduct should render them suspected, and the respective governments should think proper to order them to remove, the term of twelve months from the publication of the order shall be allowed them for that purpose, to remove with their families, effects and property ; but this...
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Papers presented to parliament, 1808-1821

Parliament proc - 1808 - 644 pages
...Laws ; and in cafe their Condu£l fhould render them fufpe&ed, and the refpe&ive Governments fhould think proper to order them to remove, the Term of Twelve Months from the Publication of the Order fhall be allowed them for the Purpofe to remove them with their Families, Effects, and Property; but...
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American Encroachments on British Rights: Or, Observations on the Importance ...

Nathaniel Atcheson - Canada - 1808 - 398 pages
...laws ; and in case their conduct should render them suspected, and the respective governments should think proper to order them to remove, the term of twelve months, from the publication of the order, shall be allowed them for that purpose, to remove with their families, effects and property ; but this...
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State Papers and Publick Documents of the United States from the Accession ...

Public law - 1815 - 520 pages
...laws ; and in ease their eonduet should render them suspeeted, and the respeetive governments should think proper to order them to remove, the term of twelve months, from the publieation of the order, shall be allowed them for that purpose, to remove vith their families, effeets,...
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State Papers and Publick Documents of the United States, from the Accession ...

United States - 1817 - 514 pages
...laws ; and in case their conduct should render them suspected, and the respective governments should think proper to order them to remove, the term of twelve months, from the publication of the order, shall be allowed them for that purpose, to remove with their families, effects, and property. But this...
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The Quarterly Review, Volume 224

English literature - 1915 - 632 pages
...conduct should render them suspected, and the respective governments should think proper to order thorn to remove, the term of twelve months from the publication of the Order shall be allowed them for that purpose, to remove with their families, effects and property ; but this...
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Recueil de traités d'alliance, de paix, de trève, de neutralité ..., Volume 5

Georg Friedrich Martens - Europe - 1826 - 722 pages
...laws; and in cafe their condnct fhould render 'them fufpected, and the refpective Governments fhould think proper to order them to remove; the term of twelve months from the publication of the order, fhall be allowed then» for that purpofe, to remove with their families , effects, and property, hut...
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Recueil de traités d'alliance, de paix, de trêve ...: et plusieurs autres ...

Georg Friedrich Martens, Karl von Martens - Europe - 1826 - 720 pages
...proper to order them to remove; the term of twelve months from the publication of the order, fhall be allowed them for that purpofe, to remove with their...families', effects, and property, but this favour [hall not be extended to thofe who fhall act contrary to the eftablifhed laws; and for greater certainty,...
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